Francis Su Elected MAA President
May 17, 2013
The Mathematical Association of America has elected Harvey Mudd College mathematics Professor Francis Su to be its 56th president.
The MAA is the largest professional society that focuses on mathematics at the undergraduate level.
One of the youngest presidents in MAA’s history, Su will serve as president-elect in 2014, participating in the governance of the association and preparing for his two-year term as president.
“The department is enormously proud of Francis,” said HMC Mathematics Department Chair Andrew Bernoff. “He has a long history of service to the MAA and a deep and lasting commitment to undergraduate mathematics. I think he will do an extraordinary job, and the department and the College look forward to supporting him as he takes on this role of national prominence and impact.”
Su’s contributions to the MAA include serving on several editorial boards—Focus (2012-2014), American Mathematical Monthly (2007–2011), Math Horizons (2003–2008) and Spectrum (2000–2003)—and committees, including the Council on Meetings and Professional Development and the Association for Women in Science/MAA Awards Task Force. He formerly served as first vice president of the MAA (2010-2012).
The MAA previously recognized Su with the Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished Teaching of Mathematics (2013), the James R.C. Leitzel Lecturer Award (2006), the Henry L. Alder Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Beginning College or University Mathematics Faculty Member (2004) and the Merten M. Hasse Prize for outstanding mathematical exposition (2001).
“The election of Francis Su as president of the MAA affirms what the Mudd community has known for many years: Francis is an extraordinary leader in the mathematics community,” said HMC President Maria Klawe.”By leading the MAA, his passion for mathematics and teaching will have an even greater impact on the world. We are all thrilled by this election.”
Su joined the HMC faculty in 1996. His research interests include geometric and topological combinatorics, and applications to game theory and the social sciences. His article, “Teaching Research: Encouraging Discoveries,” was featured in The Best Writing on Mathematics 2011, published by Princeton University Press.
He is also the creator of the award-winning Math Fun Facts website and the Math Fun Facts iPhone app.