College Welcomes Class of 2018
August 1, 2014
This fall, Harvey Mudd College welcomes 198 exceptionally promising students into the incoming Class of 2018.
Members of this talented group have designed a coconut tree-climbing safety harness, played on the Chilean National Cricket Team (U19) and founded a club that promotes financial literacy, among other intriguing pursuits.
Thyra Briggs, vice president of admission and financial aid, says the incoming class typifies the College’s high standards of academic and extracurricular success. “With stellar scholastic records and a demonstrated ability to impact diverse communities, this class continues the tradition of excellence in all areas at Harvey Mudd College,” says Briggs.
Eighty-eight percent of the incoming first years ranked in the top 10 percent of their graduating high school class (among schools that rank their students), while 38 percent served as either valedictorian or salutatorian.
Harvey Mudd received 3,850 applications, representing an 8.7 percent increase over the previous year’s number. Acceptance letters were sent to 524 applicants; 198 committed to the Class of 2018. Forty-seven percent of the entering class is female, and students come from 30 states and 15 countries. The Class of 2018 underscores Harvey Mudd’s ongoing progress toward excellence and diversity at all levels, as outlined in the College’s Strategic Vision.