Staff Members Coons and Givigliano Retire
August 15, 2020
Harvey Mudd College announced the retirement of two longtime employees this summer.
David Coons, director of foundation relations, retired July 24 after serving for over 15 years within the Advancement Office, securing funding from and growing partnerships with foundations and corporate partners. Prior to HMC, Coons was director of foundation and government relations at the University of Redlands and was a development researcher at Ptizer College and the University of Santa Barbara.
Judy Givigliano retired Sept. 4. She joined Harvey Mudd 32 years ago, making her one of the College’s longest-term employees. She first began work at Harvey Mudd in the Office of Advancement (then the Development Office) before moving to the Office of Admission and Financial Aid in 1989. She became the admission office manager in 2013 and, in 2016, received the 2016 Mary G. Binder Prize for exceptional service. During her time in the admission office, she was one of the first to greet admission visitors both on the phone and in person and processed thousands of admission applications. Known for her warmth and the intense pride she had in her work, Givigliano played a central role in making the office a welcoming place for staff, visitors and countless student workers over the years.