Homework Hotline Receives $135,000 to Continue Free Math and Science Tutoring
February 15, 2021
Harvey Mudd College’s Homework Hotline, a free, over-the-phone math and science tutoring service for students in grades 4 through 12, has received a $135,000 anonymous contribution that will allow the service to continue helping elementary through high school students with their homework.
Homework Hotline (1.877.827.5462) is currently open for calls from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PST, Sunday through Thursday. The hotline primarily serves the greater Los Angeles area but receives calls from multiple states and is open to all who need and wish to call with a math or science homework question.
“Student callers are now facing distance learning challenges and may not have as many in-person resources available to them,” said Gabriela Gamiz, Harvey Mudd’s director of community engagement. “Thanks to this generous gift, Homework Hotline can continue to be a resource they can use during these unprecedented times, and it is a resource they are familiar with and trust.”
Launched in February 2010, the hotline was modeled after the successful Homework Hotline created at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (RHIT). RHIT shared its system with HMC, provided technical advice for its implementation and continues to be a valued collaborator.
During spring 2020, when students across the country moved to online instruction in response to the pandemic, Homework Hotline extended its hours to further serve the community. Harvey Mudd tutors, who had also moved to online learning, staffed the hotline remotely from their homes in 12 states. This academic year, 2020–2021, Harvey Mudd’s Homework Hotline is being staffed by tutors from RHIT.
“RHIT’s Homework Helpline has been an invaluable partner in the success of HMC’s Homework Hotline, from helping us start this program to guiding us through unforeseen circumstances,” said Gamiz.
The recent gift will allow the College to once again fully staff the hotline with Harvey Mudd students for the 2021–2022 academic year. Harvey Mudd is currently working to secure long-term funding to continue its program beyond 2022.