Board of Trustees Update, , Feb. 3, 2025
February 3, 2025College Community:
The Harvey Mudd College Board of Trustees held its January meeting on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 24 and 25. During our board meetings, we discussed several topics and made some key decisions that we’d like to share with the campus community.
On Friday morning during our plenary session, co-chairs of the Task Force on Clinic and Corporate Partnerships (TFCCP) Karl Haushalter, Seeley W. Mudd Professor of Chemistry and Biology and chair of the chemistry department, and Talithia Williams, professor of mathematics and mathematics clinic director, discussed the findings and recommendations in the final report of the TFCCP. The task force was charged with assessing the College’s Clinic Program and corporate partnerships and making recommendations for improvements. We are incredibly grateful to the students, faculty, staff and trustees who participated in this important work, and we encourage everyone to read their report and learn more about their findings and recommendations. Implementation will require further input and work from a variety of constituencies on campus, including students, faculty, staff and trustees. The board asks that HMC President Harriet Nembhard and the Cabinet collaborate with these groups to determine the best path forward in making the recommended changes.
Friday evening, the board enjoyed a wonderful dinner with faculty leaders to thank them for their outstanding work on behalf of our students and the College. Harvey Mudd College is blessed with an amazing faculty who are dedicated not only to outstanding teaching, but also to important research that advances their fields and helps to educate our students to become leaders and passionate problem-solvers. We are grateful for their amazing work and dedication.
On Saturday morning, the board discussed adoption of a resolution approving the College’s Strategic Plan, STEM for a Better World. Efforts toward developing this plan began sooner after the arrival of President Nembhard in 2023. She led the HMC community through a planning process that included a SOAR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) analysis and created three working groups tasked with refining these suggestions. Based on their recommendations, the Strategic Plan Steering Committee developed two drafts of the plan, which were shared with the community for input and feedback.
Following our discussions, the board approved the strategic plan and charged the administration with beginning its implementation. As President Nembhard has said, STEM for a Better World represents a living document that may change and adapt from time to time as the needs and priorities of the College change. We encourage you to review the plan as well as learn more about the process to create it, on the College’s website.
Saturday, the board also received an update from trustee Albert Lee, chair of the Budget and Financial Planning Committee (BFPC), on the College’s budget projections for the upcoming two fiscal years. Inflation has driven up costs, including property and health insurance premiums, faster than revenue, leading to a number of budgetary challenges. The BFPC continues to work with College leadership to address these challenges and will have further discussions during our May meeting when the board reviews and approves next fiscal year’s budget.
In addition to these important discussions and actions, the Board also made some key decisions during our meetings, including:
Campus Improvements
- The Physical Plant and Campus Planning Committee (PPCPC) approved several projects to take place beginning this summer as part of the College’s Renewal and Replacement Reserve Program (RRR). These include:
- Modernization of the Atwood Residence Hall Elevator
- Replacement of the Case Residence Hall Cooling Tower
- Replacement of the Olin Science Center Roof
- Refurbishment of the Galileo Hall Air Handling Unit
- Replacement of the Libra Complex Central Boiler
- In addition to these repairs, the PPCPC approved, recommended to the full board, and the board approved the following projects for completion this summer:
- Major Systems Maintenance for Drinkward Residence Hall
- Exterior Walkway repairs and waterproofing for Atwood Residence Hall
- Replacement of the Case Residence Hall roof
- Mechanical equipment replacement and refurbishment for the Sprague Center
Faculty Actions
- The AAC recommended, and the board approved, granting tenure and promotion to associate professor for Joshua Brake (Engineering), Steven Santana ’06 (Engineering) and Alexandra (Xanda) Schofield ’13 (Computer Science).
- The AAC approved the first reappointment for assistant professor Dede Long (Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts).
- The above faculty actions are effective July 1, 2025. We congratulate these faculty members and thank them for their outstanding service to the College.
In closing, with the approval of the College’s new strategic plan, STEM for a Better World, our community has united to chart the College’s course for the next 10 years. The plan sets ambitious goals for the future, and we are excited to help bring our shared vision to life. Plan implementation is already underway, and we are excited to learn more about the six proposals selected to advance through our Innovation Accelerator process, outlined in Goal 1: Innovative Education. I hope you will make plans to join us on campus April 4 for Harvey Mudd’s first Innovation Showcase.
Together we can advance our mission and vision and ensure that through our community’s creativity and agility, we continue to innovate and share our discoveries to the benefit of others.

Jim Bean ’77
Chair, Board of Trustees