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Emphasis in Data Science at Harvey Mudd

Harvey Mudd College has long been a leader in educating students in subjects fundamental to data science and is guided by our mission to educate leaders who understand the impact of their work on society.  The Emphasis in Data Science guides students toward data-scientific curriculum opportunities and practical data-rich experiences across the college in a coherent and cohesive manner.

The Emphasis in Data Science is not a major. Rather, it is a coordinated program of study that allows students majoring in the sciences, engineering, and mathematics the opportunity to apply data-scientific approaches across a variety of applications and understand their work from a range of perspectives, so they may best evaluate their impact on society and the world. 

Emphasis Requirements

Students must declare their intention to pursue an Emphasis in Data Science in or before their sixth semester.  An Emphasis in Data Science requires a minimum of six courses beyond the Core, including a capstone project. A single course cannot be used to satisfy two requirements in the emphasis, but courses satisfying requirements for a student’s major may also satisfy a single emphasis requirement.

The emphasis requires courses (on or off campus) be chosen from each of the following categories:

  • Computing Fluency (3 credits)
  • Introduction to Probability and Statistics (3 credits)
  • Data Science and Values (3 credits)
  • Electives (6 credits)
  • Capstone (3-6 credits)

Please consult the list of approved courses when selecting courses to satisfy each requirement. To satisfy emphasis requirements, any course listed on the list of approved courses should be completed with its co-requisite courses. Students may petition for on- or off-campus courses to satisfy emphasis requirements by emailing ( with course number, title, instructor name, instructor email, offering period, and catalog description. The courses tagged “Data Science” on the portal may give you some guidance towards which courses to consider; however, these courses are not guaranteed to satisfy EDS requirements.

It is expected that al courses satisfying EDS requirements will be taken for letter grade. In exceptional circumstances, students may petition to have a credit/no credit course satisfy emphasis requirements by emailing (

Note, students who have declared the intention to pursue the emphasis are not obligated to complete it, nor are departments offering courses satisfying emphasis requirements obligated to prioritize these students for registration.

Capstone Requirement

The capstone can be domain-specific and constructed by each major discipline. In general, students should:

  • carry out and communicate results from an extensive data-driven project that is related to a real-life problem; and
  • study at least one type of advanced data-analytic methods such as (not limited to): generalized linear models, Bayesian analysis, advanced probability theory and stochastic processes, non-linear models, machine learning, advanced study-design, big data analysis, econometrics, or statistical computing.

Courses Satisfying this Requirement

  • A year-long thesis project;
  • A year-long clinic project; or
  • An independent research experience carried out in junior or senior year.

Petitions to satisfy this requirement with a capstone not on this list will be considered in special cases; students should email the Emphasis Program Committee to inquire.

Capstone Planning

If the course you intend to satisfy the capstone requirement is:

  • a thesis or clinic, then the EDS Capstone Planning form should be completed in collaboration with your thesis or clinic advisor before the “add deadline” in the Fall Semester of the year in which you take your yearlong capstone.
  • an independent study/research credit course, then the EDS Capstone Planning form should be completed in collaboration with your alternative capstone advisor before the “add deadline” in the first semester in which you enroll in a course you plan to count towards the EDS Alternative Capstone requirement.

Capstone Approval

If the course you intend to satisfy the capstone requirement is:

  • a thesis or clinic, then the EDS Capstone Approval form should be completed in collaboration with your thesis or clinic advisor in April of the year in which you take your yearlong capstone.
  • an independent study/research credit course, then the EDS Capstone Approval form should be completed in collaboration with your alternative capstone advisor in the last month of the last semester in which you undertake your capstone work.

Please note — there are additional requirements in order to satisfy the EDS Alternative Capstone requirement.  In order to count independent study/research experiences towards the EDS Alternative Capstone, students should:

  • Enroll in at least two credits of independent study/research credit per semester counted towards the EDS capstone and at least three total credits of independent study/research credit with the alternative capstone advisor.  (Note that the course name/number differs between departments — use the course number that is associated with independent study/research credit in your capstone advisor department.)
  • Write a report detailing the work undertaken in the alternative capstone project.  (The details, form, and requirements of this report will be decided by your alternative capstone advisor — make sure to talk this over with them.)
  • Present either a poster or talk during Presentation Days.  (This can be during departmental activities and arranged with the alternative capstone advisor, or you can reach out to the EDS Program Committee to schedule you.)

How to Apply

At any point up to the end of the pre-registration period in the student’s sixth semester, a student can initiate the process to pursue the emphasis:

  • The student should complete the Emphasis in Data Science – Interest Form to declare their interest in completing the emphasis. This completes the application for the emphasis.
  • Upon receiving the form, the Data Science Emphasis Program Committee will add the student to the emphasis mailing list and create an online meeting log. This document will be accessible to the student, their major advisor(s), the Data Science Emphasis Program Committee, and the Office of the Registrar. 


Students pursuing the Emphasis in Data Science (EDS) do not have individual emphasis advisors. The primary advising structure for the EDS is a once-semesterly group advising meeting hosted by members of the EDS Program Committee. Students pursuing the EDS are required to attend either the Fall or Spring semester advising meeting to receive guidance and approval for course planning. Details of this meeting will be announced via email each semester. Students should email ( if they are unable to attend one of these meetings. 

Students should discuss and confirm their emphasis choices with their major advisor(s) to ensure coherence with their intended program of study. Every semester, enrolled EDS students must update their online meeting log to reflect their completed coursework and planned courses. The online log provided to each student is meant to help the student confirm course selections satisfy the emphasis requirements.  Questions about these requirements should be directed to the Emphasis Program Committee (

Fall 2023 Advising Meeting Recording
Spring 2024 Advising Meeting Recording
Fall 2024 Advising Meeting Recording

Completing the Emphasis

Students who successfully complete the requirements for the Emphasis in Data Science by the time they graduate will have the emphasis noted on their official college transcript, and will be recognized in the commencement program during graduation.

To complete the emphasis, graduating seniors must meet with members of the Program Committee in the advising meeting hosted in their final year and confirm that the courses listed in their form are the ones they took or in which they will enroll in their last semester. Students should notify the Program Committee ( that they are ready for the registrar to verify their courses electronically. No paper submission is necessary as the registrar has access to the online forms.

Emphasis Timeline

The Emphasis in Data Science has several checkpoints throughout the calendar year to make sure that students, Program Committee, faculty advisors, and the registrar’s office can carefully monitor and assure the progress of a student through the program:

Fall Semester


Students beginning a year-long (thesis or clinic) or the first semester of an alternative capstone project should fill out the EDS Capstone Planning form before the add deadline.


Faculty are asked to designate their courses as “data science” courses before pre-registration in November.

Early November

The Program Committee hosts an informational and advisory meeting for interested and current emphasis students to ask questions and learn more about the program.  This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the Interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.

Mid-November (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, the Program Committee will provide a list of valid, designated “data science” courses for the upcoming spring semester. This list will be posted on this page and shared via the mailing list.


Students completing the last semester of an alternative capstone project should fill out the EDS Capstone Approval form.


The Program Committee will consult with the registrar’s office to confirm if students in their final semester have successfully completed the emphasis.

Spring Semester

January–Early February

Students beginning the first semester of an alternative capstone project should fill out the EDS Capstone Planning form before the add deadline.


Faculty are asked to designate their courses as “data science” courses before pre-registration in April.

Early April

The Program Committee hosts an informational and advisory meeting for interested and current emphasis students to ask questions and learn more about the program. This is the best time for new and interested students to apply via the Interest form and begin planning out their emphasis course pathway.

Mid-April (before pre-registration)

With assistance from the registrar’s office, the Program Committee will provide a list of valid, designated “data science” courses for the upcoming spring semester. This list will be posted on this page and shared via the mailing list.


Students completing a year-long (thesis or clinic) or the last semester of an alternative capstone project should fill out the EDS Capstone Approval form.


The Program Committee will consult with the registrar’s office to confirm if students in their final semester have successfully completed the emphasis.

Other Academic Options

While the Emphasis in Data Science is an excellent way to incorporate data science content into one’s degree path, there are plenty of academic options available for Harvey Mudd College students – especially since there are a wide variety of courses taught on data scientific topics across The Claremont Colleges. Students may:

  • Complete their HSA concentration on a relevant topic.
  • Design a major in data science as an individual program of studies (IPS).
  • Double-major in a Harvey Mudd technical discipline and in data science at another 5C institution.
  • Complete an off-campus major in data science at one of the 5Cs.
  • Complete the requirements of a typical major in data science without entering into a formal program

Courses with Data Science Emphasis

Consult the EDS Course List for opportunities at Harvey Mudd and across The Claremont Colleges that qualify towards completing the emphasis.