Faculty of Harvey Mudd College

Harvey Mudd College faculty have a wide range of research interests.
Department of Biology

Steve C. Adolph
Stuart Mudd Professor of BiologyChair, Department of BiologyPhD, University of Washington
Physiological, evolutionary and behavioral ecology of lizards; mathematical models in ecology and evolution; statistical estimation of physiological performance.

Anna Ahn
Professor of BiologyPhD, University of California, Berkeley
Neural control and mechanics of locomotion.

Eliot Bush
Professor of BiologyPhD, California Institute of Technology
Molecular evolution of noncoding DNA.

Matina Donaldson-Matasci
Associate Professor of BiologyPhD, University of Washington
How social insects, such as bees and ants, coordinate group behaviors.

Jessica Guo
Assistant Professor of Climate and BiologyPhD, Northern Arizona University
Plant ecophysiology; plant-environment interactions under extreme climate.

Karl Haushalter
Seeley Wintersmith Mudd Professor of Chemistry and BiologyPhD, Harvard University
The biochemistry of protein:nucleic acid interactions in the context of DNA repair and the innate immune response to HIV infection.

Jae Hur
Associate Professor of BiologyPhD, Harvard University
Molecular and cellular biology with an emphasis on aging and longevity determination.

Catherine S. McFadden
Vivian and D. Kenneth Baker Professor in the Life SciencesPhD, University of Washington
Molecular systematics of Octocorallia; life history evolution in colonial marine invertebrates.

Danae Schulz
Associate Professor of BiologyPhD, University of California, Berkeley
African trypanosomes, the parasites transmitted through tsetse flies that cause sleeping sickness (African trypanosomiasis).

Daniel M. Stoebel
Professor of BiologyPhD, The State University of New York, Stony Brook
Function and evolution of bacterial regulatory networks.
Department of Chemistry

Spencer D. Brucks
Assistant Professor of ChemistryPhD, Columbia University
Organic chemistry, polymer chemistry, and chemical biology.

Karl Haushalter
Seeley W. Mudd Chair, Professor of Chemistry and BiologyChair, Department of ChemistryPhD, Harvard University
The biochemistry of protein:nucleic acid interactions in the context of DNA repair and the innate immune response to HIV infection.

Lelia Hawkins
Professor of Chemistry and Hixon Professor of Climate StudiesDirector of the Hixon Center for Climate and the EnvironmentPhD, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Characterization of light-absorbing compounds in atmospheric aerosol.

Colm Healy
Assistant Professor of ChemistryPhD, Trinity College Dublin
Development of new materials for use in batteries, energy storage and production of renewable fuels.

Alicia O. Hernandez-Castillo
Assistant Professor of ChemistryPhD, Purdue University
Broadband microwave spectroscopy to study molecular interactions.

Adam R. Johnson
Ray and Mary Ingwersen Professor of ChemistryPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Design of ligands for the synthesis of chiral transition metal complexes; enantioselective catalysis.

Sarah Kavassalis
Assistant Professor of Climate and ChemistryPhD, University of Toronto
Atmospheric chemistry.

Maduka Ogba
Assistant Professor of ChemistryPhD, Oregon State University
Computational chemistry methods and high-performance computing to study catalytic reactions.

Katherine M. Van Heuvelen
R. Michael Shanahan Endowed ProfessorshipAssociate Dean of the FacultyPhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of bio-inspired transition metal complexes.

Hal Van Ryswyk
John Stauffer Chair in ChemistryPhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Solar energy conversion, study of energy and electron transfer in self-assembled systems; electronic materials; monolayer chemistry at surfaces; analytical chemistry.

David A. Vosburg
Donald A. Strauss Endowed Professor of ChemistryPhD, The Scripps Research Institute
Biomimetic cyclizations, natural product synthesis, green chemistry.

Bilin Zhuang
Assistant Professor of ChemistryPhD, California Institute of Technology
Theoretical and computational chemistry for liquids, solutions, and soft-matter systems.
Department of Computer Science

Lucas Bang
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, University of California, Santa Barbara
Software verification and formal methods for security.

James C. Boerkoel Jr.
Csilla and Walt Foley Endowed Professor of Computer ScienceChair, Department of Computer SciencePhD, University of Michigan
Artificial intelligence, automated planning and scheduling, human-robot teamwork and user experience design.

Katherine Breeden
Associate Professor of Computer ScienceClinic Curricular DirectorPhD, Stanford University
Computer graphics, human gaze response.

Jonathan Chang ’17
Assistant Professor of Computer SciencePhD, Cornell University
Develop new algorithms and computational models to promote healthier interactions in online communities.

Zachary Dodds
Leonhard-Johnson-Rae Chair in Computer ScienceEntrepreneurship Studio DirectorPhD, Yale University
Real-time computer vision, vision-based autonomous robotics and mapping; and the development of low-cost robots for research and education.

Lynn Kirabo
Maria M. Klawe Assistant Professor of Climate and Computer SciencePhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Human-computer interaction and accessibility.

Julie Medero
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, University of Washington
Natural language processing.

George Montañez
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, Carnegie Mellon University
The intersection of computer science, algorithmic search and mathematics.

Vidushi Ojha ’17
Assistant ProfessorPhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Institutional policies and classroom practices that foster students’ learning and well-being.

Melissa O’Neill
Professor of Computer SciencePhD, Simon Fraser University
Functional programming languages and parallelism.

Arthi Padmanabhan
Assistant Professor of Computer SciencePhD, UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science
Machine learning.

Tim Randolph
Assistant Professor of Computer SciencePhD, Columbia University
Using new mathematical tools on hard problems in exact and parameterized complexity at the intersection of computer science and mathematics.

Xanda Schofield ’13
Assistant Professor of Computer SciencePhD, Cornell University
Designing easy-to-use tools for large-scale corpus text mining, with a focus on distributional semantic models.

Christopher A. Stone
Professor of Computer ScienceComputer Science Capstone Program DirectorPhD, Carnegie Mellon University
Type theory, programming language semantics, object calculi and compilers, concurrency.

Erin Talvitie
Associate Professor of Computer SciencePhD, University of Michigan
Applications of machine learning to artificial intelligence, creation of artificial autonomous agents that can act flexibly and competently in unknown environments.

Katherine Elizabeth Trushkowsky
Associate Professor of Computer ScienceUniversity of California, Berkeley
Database systems, human computation.

Benjamin Wiedermann
Professor of Computer ScienceComputer Science Clinic Recruiting DirectorPhD, University of Texas at Austin
Programming languages.

Calden Wloka
Assistant Professor of Computer SciencePhD, York University
Computer vision.
Department of Engineering

Sophia Bahena
Assistant Professor of EngineeringPhD from the University of Southern California

Lori C. Bassman
Professor of EngineeringJude and Eileen Laspa Endowed Professor in EngineeringPhD, Stanford University
Deformation mechanisms in polycrystalline metals, computational mechanics and plant biomechanics.

Joshua Brake
Assistant Professor of EngineeringPhD, California Institute of Technology
Optical technologies to probe and measure brain activity, mind/body/machine interfaces (MBMI) to improve and expand human cognition.

Philip D. Cha
Professor of EngineeringCF Braun & Co. Fellowship in EngineeringPhD, University of Michigan
Effects of parameter uncertainties on the dynamics of structures; model updating; imposing nodes for arbitrarily supported elastic structures during harmonic excitations; frequency analysis of combined dynamical systems; vibration of beams carrying spring-mass-damper systems; vibration suppression using oscillators.

Albert Dato
Associate Professor of Engineering Associate Chair, Department of EngineeringPhD, University of California, Berkeley
Synthesis and applications of nanomaterials.

Whitney Fowler
Assistant Professor of EngineeringPhD, University of Chicago
Designing bio-inspired sensing materials to detect emerging contaminants in water

David Harris
Professor of EngineeringHarvey S. Mudd Engineering Design FellowshipPhD, Stanford University
Digital systems, integrated circuit design and microprocessors.

Dre Helmns
Assistant Professor of EngineeringPhD, University of California, Berkeley
Integrated energy storage and conversion systems, grid electrification, building decarbonization.

Gordon C. Krauss
Fletcher Jones Professor of Engineering DesignPhD, Boston University
Friction, wear and lubrication in mechanical and biological systems, design education.

Nancy K. Lape
James Howard Kindelberger Professor of EngineeringChair, Department of EngineeringPhD, University of Minnesota
The effects of hydration and mechanical stretching on transport of drugs and toxins across human skin; design and modeling of nanocomposite gas separation membranes; engineering education.

Marissa Sinopoli ’18
Assistant Professor of EngineeringPhD, Stanford University
Biomechanics, human mobility and performance.

Leah Mendelson
Associate Professor of EngineeringPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Biological and bio-inspired fluid dynamics and imaging techniques for fluid flow measurement.

Adyasha Mohanty
Assistant Professor of EngineeringPhD, Stanford University
Design of autonomous systems that function safely in unpredictable scenarios using AI, physics-based models and sensor fusion.

David Nembhard
Professor of EngineeringPhD, University of Michigan
Intersection of human factors, operations management and production. Improving learning systems that account for individual differences in skill levels, learning, forgetting, temporal motivation, cognition, personality and modes of communication.

Ethan Ritz ’12
Assistant Professor of EngineeringB.S., Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Cornell University
Materials engineering, vibrations, dynamics, crystal and electronic structure; combining group theory with atomistic simulations (such as density functional theory) to understand and enhance useful materials properties.

Steven Santana ’06
Assistant Professor of EngineeringJoseph B. Platt Chair in Effective TeachingDirector, Engineering ClinicB.S., Harvey Mudd College; PhD, Cornell University
Microfluidics and nanofluidics.

Matthew Spencer
Associate Professor of EngineeringDirector of the MakerspacePhD, University of California, Berkeley
Circuit design, MEMS.

R. Erik Spjut
Professor of EngineeringUnion Oil Company Engineering Design FellowPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Materials processing (especially containerless), process control, optical diagnostics and heat transfer (especially radiant).

TJ Tsai
Associate Professor of EngineeringPhD, University of California, Berkeley
The intersection of signal processing, machine learning and music.

Qimin Yang
Professor of EngineeringPhD, Princeton University
Optical communications, optical packet switching networks, QoS in optical networks.

Werner Zorman
Associate Professor Walter and Leonore Annenberg Chair in LeadershipVienna University of Technology
Leadership, communication skills, emotional intelligence, team building.
Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts

William Alves
Louisa and Robert Miller Professor in the HumanitiesProfessor of MusicDMA, University of Southern California
Music composition, computer music, tuning systems, abstract animation, gamelan and other world music.

Isabel Balseiro
Alexander and Adelaide Hixon Professor in the HumanitiesProfessor of Comparative LiteraturePhD, New York University
Contemporary writers and filmmakers from Africa and Latin America. Teaches on cultural and race studies, cinema and postcolonial literatures.

David Cubek
Associate Professor of MusicDirector of the Claremont Concert Orchestra, Scripps College (Joint Music Program)DMA, Northwestern University
Conducting symphonic and operatic repertoire; research on alternative modes of orchestral training and music as an interdisciplinary art form.

Ambereen Dadabhoy
Associate Professor of Literature and Avery FellowPhD, Claremont Graduate University
Early modern English literature; Shakespeare; postcolonial theory; East-West encounter.

Marianne de Laet
Professor of Anthropology and Science, Technology, and SocietyPhD, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
Social studies of science; cultural anthropology; technology and culture; video game culture; practices of knowledge-making; collaboration and management in big science.

Erika W. Dyson
Willard W. Keith Jr. Fellow in the HumanitiesAssociate Professor of Religious StudiesPhD, Columbia University
Religion and science; intersections between social-change activism and religion; American religious history; and church and state.

Ken Fandell
Professor of ArtMichael G. and C. Jane Wilson Chair in Arts and HumanitiesMFA, University of Illinois at Chicago
Interdisciplinary arts.

Alfred Flores
Associate Professor of Asian American StudiesPhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Pacific Islander history, Asian American history, labor, militarization, race, settler colonialism.

Anup Gampa
Assistant Professor of PsychologyPhD, University of Virginia
Social psychology of social movements, racism, capitalism and wealth inequality.

Jeffrey D. Groves
Professor of LiteraturePhD, Claremont Graduate School
Nineteenth-century American literature; history of the book; Shakespeare.

Jia Yi Gu
Assistant Professor of ArchitectureM.A., UCLA
Histories of knowledge production and display practices in art and architecture.

Vivien Hamilton
Professor of the History of SciencePhD, University of Toronto
History of physics; history of medicine; gender and science; disciplinary cultures in science.

Dede Long
Assistant Professor of EconomicsPhD, Oregon State University

Rachel Mayeri
Professor of Media StudiesDirector of the Hixon Riggs ProgramMFA, University of California, San Diego
Contemporary art, media studies (especially film studies), cultural studies, science studies, video and new media production and installation.

Salvador Plascencia
Associate Professor of Creative WritingMFA, Syracuse University
Creative writing; The novel as print technology.

David K. Seitz
Associate Professor of Cultural GeographyPhD, University of Toronto
Geographies of citizenship; feminist, critical race and queer theories; affect.

Sarah Stefanos
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Environmental StudiesPhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Globalization, race and ethnicity, indigenous peoples, inequality, migration, work and entrepreneurship, environment and natural resources, development.

Paul F. Steinberg
Malcolm Lewis Chair in Sustainability and SocietyProfessor of Political Science and Environmental PolicyPhD, University of California, Santa Cruz
Comparative and international environmental politics; environmental governance in developing countries; biodiversity; research methods.

David Wilson
Assistant Professor of EthnomusicologyPhD, University of Chicago
The role of music in nationalism; music and media in Taiwan and China.

Darryl Wright
Willard W. Keith, Jr. Fellow in the HumanitiesProfessor of PhilosophyChair, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the ArtsPhD, University of Michigan
History of ethics; moral and political philosophy.
Department of Mathematics

Arthur T. Benjamin
Professor of MathematicsSmallwood Family ChairPhD, Johns Hopkins University
Combinatorics, game theory, and number theory, with particular emphasis on combinatorial proofs and Fibonacci numbers.

Andrew Bernoff
Professor of MathematicsPhD, Trinity College, Cambridge University
Fluid Mechanics including thin films, free surface problems, modelling of intermolecular forces, microfluidics and generation of micron-sized aerosols, mixing and advection/diffusion processes; material science, in particular continuum modelling and surface diffusion; mathematical methods, in particular dynamical systems, pattern formation self-similarity and scaling phenomena, and asymptotic methods.

Alfonso Castro
Professor of MathematicsRobert and Barbara McAlister Endowed Professorship in MathematicsPhD, University of Cincinnati
Existence, multiplicity and bifurcation of solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations, general applied mathematics.

Lisette G. de Pillis
Professor of MathematicsNorman F. Sprague, Jr. Professorship in the Life SciencesPhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Cancer immunology modeling, mathematical biology, optimal control, parallel computing, numerical analysis, computational fluid dynamics, numerical linear algebra.

Weiqing Gu
Mathematics ProfessorRobert and Barbara McAlister Endowed Professorship in MathematicsM.A., PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Differential geometry and topology; geometrical modeling and design, applications to math-biology, applications to industrial mathematics (optimal control, encryption and color scheme).

Jamie Haddock
Assistant Professor of MathematicsIris & Howard Critchell Assistant ProfessorPhD, University of California, Davis
Mathematical data science, optimization, applied convex geometry.

Jon Jacobsen
Kenneth and Diana Jonsson Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of Utah
Partial differential equations, dynamical systems, pattern formation, mathematical biology.

Dagan Karp
Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of British Columbia
Geometry and algebraic geometry. Including quantum geometry, Gromov-Witten theory and related subjects.

Haydee Lindo
Associate Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of Utah
Commutative algebra, homological algebra and representation theory.

Susan E. Martonosi
Professor of MathematicsChair of the FacultyPhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Operations research techniques applied to problems in homeland security; other public sector applications of mathematical modeling.

Michael Orrison
Kenneth A. and Diana G. Jonsson Professorship in MathematicsChair, Department of MathematicsPhD, Dartmouth College
Graph theory, voting theory, representation theory, computational noncommutative harmonic analysis.

Francis Su
Professor of MathematicsBenediktsson-Karwa Chair in MathematicsPhD, Harvard University
Geometric and topological combinatorics, fair division problems in game theory and mathematical economics.

Andrés Vindas Meléndez
Assistant Professor of MathematicsPhD, University of Kentucky
Algebraic, enumerative and geometric combinatorics; applications of data science and mathematics for social justice.

Talithia D. Williams
Professor of MathematicsDirector, Mathematics ClinicPhD, Rice University
Statistical techniques applied to problems in the environment, dynamic space – time modeling, nonstationary covariance estimation, change-of-support problem.

Darryl H. Yong ’96
Professor of MathematicsMcGregor-Girand Chair in STEM Equity Innovation and ResearchCore Curriculum DirectorB.S., Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of Washington
Partial differential equations and asymptotics, mathematics education.

Heather Zinn-Brooks
Assistant Professor of MathematicsBarbara Stokes Dewey Assistant Professorship in the Life SciencesPhD, University of Utah
Applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, complex systems, nonlinear dynamics, network theory, social systems, mathematical biology.
Department of Physics

Nicholas P. Breznay
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, Stanford University
Condensed matter physics.

Thomas D. Donnelly
Professor of PhysicsShanahan Endowed Dean of the Faculty ChairVice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the FacultyPhD, University of California, Berkeley
High intensity laser physics and fluid dynamics.

James C. Eckert
Professor of PhysicsPhD, University of Southern California
Magnetic thin films.

Ann Esin
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, Harvard University
Astrophysics, with a focus on observations and theoretical modeling of young stellar clusters.

Jason Gallicchio
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhysics Clinic DirectorPhD, Harvard University
Experimental cosmology.

Sharon Gerbode
Professor of PhysicsAssociate Dean for Academic AffairsPhD, Cornell University
Soft condensed matter.

Mark Ilton
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, McMaster University
Soft condensed matter.

Theresa W. Lynn
Bruce and Susan Worster Professor of PhysicsChair, Department of PhysicsPhD, California Institute of Technology
Atomic and optical physics, including quantum optics; observational study of ultra-high energy cosmic rays.

Peter N. Saeta
Professor of PhysicsPhD, Harvard University
Nonlinear optics and semiconductor physics, including surface and buried interface effects, metal surfaces and nanoparticles; magneto-optics; plasmonics and solar energy conversion.

Vatche Sahakian
Burton Bettingen Professor of PhysicsPhD, University of Chicago
Theoretical physics, including string theory and cosmology.

Brian Shuve
Associate Professor of PhysicsPhD, Harvard University
Particle physics.

Daniel Tamayo
Assistant Professor of PhyiscsPhD, Cornell University