Harvey Mudd College Design Courses
Harvey Mudd College offers four engineering classes that incorporate aspects of design.
E4: Introduction to Engineering Design
Design problems are, typically, open-ended and ill-structured. Students work in small teams applying techniques for solving design problems that are, normally, posed by not-for-profit clients. The project work is enhanced with lectures and reading on design theory and methods, project management techniques, and engineering ethics. Enrollment limited to first-year students and sophomores, or by permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: first-year students and sophomores, or by permission of the instructor.
E80: Experimental Engineering
A laboratory course designed to acquaint the student with the basic techniques of instrumentation and measurement in both the laboratory and in engineering field measurements. Emphasis on experimental problem solving in real systems.
Prerequisites: Engineering 59 or permission of instructor.
E119: Preliminary Design
This course examines the general principles associated with functional analysis and preliminary design, and applies these principles to a particular design problem. Students in the course will be expected to demonstrate competency in the application of functional analysis techniques and setting of performance specifications, design of artifacts to meet the functional specifications, and documentation of successful designs. Students will be offered a choice of several design problems, which may come from one of the traditional engineering disciplines (chemical, civil, electrical, mechanical, etc.) or may cut across several boundaries.
Prerequisites: None.
E111-114: Clinic
Participation in engineering projects through the Engineering Clinic. Emphasis is on design of solutions for real problems, involving problem definition, synthesis of concepts, analysis, and evaluation. Prerequisite: junior standing in engineering or permission of clinic director.
Prerequisites: junior standing in engineering or permission of clinic director.