Mudd for the Musically Inclined
September 7, 2022Many Mudders make music, and there are many outlets for doing so here at HMC. Other blog posts have focused on one particular aspect, so here I will go for a general overview.

First, there is the joint music program which has two choirs and an orchestra. I personally have sung in both choirs, the Treble Singers for my first year and Claremont Concert Choir for the other two and I plan to continue through my senior year. It is audition based, but the auditions for choir at least are pretty basic and I know people who have joined with little to no previous experience. Mudd counts taking choir or orchestra as a humanity taken at Mudd, so taking it for three total semesters earns you a Mudd Hum!
Other class options are Jazz Band at Pomona, Pomona’s orchestra, voice lessons at Scripps, or other instrument lessons typically at Pomona or Scripps. These 1-on-1 lessons tend to come with an additional lesson fee, but at least with voice lessons, if you are also in the choir Scripps will cover the cost of the lesson.
Another opportunity is the many acapella groups on the 5C campus, which are more like clubs. They typically hold auditions at the beginning of the semester.
Maybe your music is more of a hobby though and you don’t want something as structured as these classes or clubs. In that case, you could join Jam Society, a club dedicated to providing a soundproof room with instruments and musical instruments for people to pursue their own interests. You could also make use of the practice rooms that we have in Platt. A third option if you still want to perform is to sign up for a Wednesday Nighter, a Mudd tradition. The Muchachos, our student-run activity planners, provide attendees with snacks like donuts or pastries from 85C and we have a performer or group of performers sign up to play music, do an improv show, draw dinosaurs, or show off any other talent (or lack thereof). They are a great way to take a break in the middle of the week!
Lastly, if you prefer to listen to your music instead of making it, there are options for that as well. Along with Wednesday Nighters and concerts put on by the above groups, some dorms play music in their courtyards. I also know a lot of people who go to concerts in LA if that is more your style.