Hiking Sunset Peak
February 10, 2023
The spring semester is in full swing! As a frosh, the spring semester has been pretty busy. I have lots of 8am classes and I am taking 2 orchestra electives (which I love). With all of the hustle and bustle on campus sometimes it is really important to get away from campus and take time for yourself and your mental health. Fortunately, this past weekend Mudd’s Adventure Club planned a hike at Sunset Peak.

Photo credit: Audrey Thiessen
Adventure Club is a way for students to get involved with hiking and outdoor activities (even if you’re like me and have limited experience hiking). The sign-ups filled up very fast and the waitlist was extremely long. But, after realizing there was increased interest, Adventure Club changed their plans so that more students could go. I have a car so I also offered to drive so that a few extra people could go.
The day of the hike there were a few snags in the plan:
- The forecast looked very rainy/snowy.
- F&M forgot to leave the keys for the Mudd vans.
However, Mudders are VERY resilient. Several other students offered up their cars, all of the participants bundled up and Adventure Club set out towards Sunset Peak.

The view along the path! Photo credit: Audrey Thiessen

It was very pretty! Photo credit: Audrey Thiessen
The hike ended up being about 7 miles long, which wasn’t too bad. Because I have limited experience hiking I did the hike in regular tennis shoes and it was just fine. Normally this hike is known for having great views, but because of the clouds and precipitation the views were pretty limited. Although we couldn’t see much far away, the hike was still gorgeous! It was a much needed break for school work and campus. I would totally go on more hikes, and would recommend it to others.
The other good news about living in SoCal is that even if mountains aren’t your thing, the beach is only an hour away in the opposite direction! I am continually amazed by how beautiful the areas around campus are and how close so many adventures are.

Mudders from Adventure Club! Photo credit: Audrey Thiessen