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Study Abroad and Financial Aid

You will normally continue to receive assistance while studying abroad for a semester or a year. You’ll pay a comprehensive fee to Harvey Mudd that is equal to tuition, room, board and fees. The fee covers the costs of the academic program, room and board in the host country, and an allowance for round-trip transportation to the program site. Students who study abroad pay a reduced student body fee equal to 25% of that of a student studying on campus. Because the student body fee is lower, the cost of attendance for a student studying abroad is lower. This reduces the charges the student studying abroad will incur, and correspondingly the student’s eligibility for need-based aid.

If your Harvey Mudd study abroad program is through Arcadia University, you may apply for a need-based scholarship ranging between $500 and $5,000 for a full year, semester or term from Arcadia University directly. For further information regarding this opportunity, you may visit Arcadia University online and download application materials.

For a scholarship opportunity for studying abroad, refer to the Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship Program. This scholarship provides awards for undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide.