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ASHMC Senate Bylaws

Article I: ASHMC Compliance Policies

  1. ASHMC will not attempt to influence legislation or participate to any extent in a political campaign for or against any candidate for public office.
  2. ASHMC will not operate for the benefit of private interests.
  3. ASHMC will not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, national origin, ethnic origin, prior military service, religion, creed, or political affiliation.
  4. ASHMC will not use dues collected by Harvey Mudd College to purchase regulated substances.
  5. ASHMC will not purchase publicly available products for the purpose of resale for profit.

Article II: Dormitory and Class Status

  1. The dormitories are East (Mildred E Mudd), South (David X. Marks), North, West, Atwood, Case, Linde, Sontag, and Drinkward.
  2. The classes are Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior.

Article III: The ASHMC Senate

  1. The ASHMC Senate shall meet twice a week, with one meeting reserved primarily for a discussion of campus policies, and the other reserved primarily for budgeting and internal ASHMC affairs. A representative from the Division of Student Affairs and a representative from the Facilities and Maintenance Office shall be invited to attend meetings concerning campus policy as non-voting members. Meeting times shall be scheduled by the Senate Chair and made publicly available.
  2. Quorum shall be defined as one half of the voting membership of the Senate.
  3. Absence Policy
    1. If a position is unrepresented at a scheduled Senate meeting, they will be issued a written warning by the Senate Chair. If additional meetings are missed, their constituency will be fined a sum of $25 for each meeting missed. Fines collected will be added to the ASHMC general fund. Fines not paid in full by the end of the semester will result in a formal charge to the Judiciary Board.
    2. Members of the Senate may send a proxy to Senate meetings if they are unable to attend the meeting themselves. Proxies must be members of the same constituency and not hold another Senate office.
    3. The Senate Chair has the discretion to declare if a position is or is not represented at a given meeting.
  4. Students on Leaves of Absence
    1. Students who are on a temporary leave from Harvey Mudd may petition the Senate by contacting the Senate Chair to remain a member of ASHMC. Those students must pay student dues in full before their membership is reinstated.
  5. Campus Policy
    1. The ASHMC Senate has the power to propose new dormitory and campus policies, subject to approval by the Vice President of Student Affairs.
    2. After approval by the ASHMC Senate, the Vice President of Student Affairs is to be given a copy of the proposed policy. Upon approval, the policy shall go into effect immediately. Otherwise, the Dean must veto the proposal and state all objections in writing within ten days, excluding vacation periods. If this ten-day period passes with no response from the Vice President of Student Affairs, the policy shall go into effect immediately.
    3. The role of ASHMC in setting campus policy, as defined in this section of this article may only be changed with the approval of the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Article IV: Transparency Measures

  1. Availability of Meeting Minutes to Members of ASHMC
    1. Senate and Executive Board meeting minutes must be clearly published on the ASHMC website within three days of approval.
    2. Instructions for accessing publicly available ASHMC meeting minutes must be sent to the student body at the beginning of every semester.
    3. The Senate Chair is responsible for ensuring that the Senate meeting minutes are properly disseminated.
    4. The ASHMC President is responsible for ensuring that the Executive Board meeting minutes are properly disseminated.
  2. The summaries of Executive Board activity should be sent to the Senate within three days of an Executive Board meeting. The ASHMC President is responsible for ensuring that the Senate receives these summaries.
  3. The current Constitution, Bylaws, Executive Policy, Honor Code/Code of Conduct, and Memorandum of Understanding must be clearly published on the ASHMC website. The ASHMC President is responsible for ensuring that these documents remain up to date.
  4. The current Room Draw Policy must be clearly published on the ASHMC website. The Senate Chair is responsible for ensuring that this document remains up to date.

Article V: Rules of Order

  1. With no motion on the table, free form discussion is used by default.
  2. At any time, a member can motion to postpone, amend, or enter into moderated pro/con discussion. Every motion requires a second for action.
  3. After a seconded motion, the Senate Chair asks for dissent. Seeing and hearing none, the Senate votes on the motion on the table.
    1. The Senate Chair calls for voting on the current motion.
    2. Votes “against” are called first, recorded by the individual recording minutes.
    3. Votes “for” are called second, recorded by the individual recording minutes.
    4. Votes “abstaining” are called third, recorded by the individual recording minutes.
    5. Abstentions are removed from the voting consideration, but still count towards quorum.
    6. The vote is decided based on a simple majority of votes “for” and “against”, unless the specific vote has specifications mentioned elsewhere in the bylaws.
  4. If there is dissent following a second, the dissenter may either make an amendment or choose a form of discussion into which the Senate will enter. If unspecified, free form discussion is used. Forms of discussion include moderated discussion, moderated pro-con discussion, and free form discussion. The dissenter or the Senate Chair may suggest a time limit for discussion.
  5. Amendments cannot defeat the original purpose of the motion.
  6. If an amendment to a motion is found friendly, then no additional second is required and no vote on the amendment is required.
  7. During discussion on a motion, a member of the Senate may move to exit moderated discussion and vote (move the previous question). If the motion is seconded, the Senate immediately goes into a vote which requires a two-thirds majority to pass, ending moderated discussion. The senate then enters a vote on discussed motion, which follows standard voting procedures.
  8. At any point in discussion, a member may call a point of order in the event that another member or the Senate Chair has broken one of the rules of order.
  9. At any point in discussion, a member may call a point of information in the event that another member or the Senate Chair has presented false or incomplete information.
  10. The Senate Chair may call for a motion in the event of time pressure. The Senate Chair may only call for a general motion, a motion to vote on the motion on the table, or to postpone an agenda item.
  11. The Senate Chair acts as facilitator of discussion, remaining unbiased. If a motion regards the Senate Chair or the chair wishes to express an opinion, the chair must hand the chairship down to an Executive Board or Senate member until the given motion is brought to a vote.
  12. Executive Session
    1. An Executive Session is a closed meeting of the ASHMC Senate.
    2. An Executive Session is open to members of the ASHMC Senate and Executive Board, and to guests invited by the Senate Chair. It is closed to all others.
    3. An Executive Session should be entered when not doing so would compromise confidential information or significantly alter the content of the discussion taking place.
    4. An Executive Session may only be entered upon a motion by any member of the Senate or Executive Board and a majority vote of the ASHMC Senate.
    5. An Executive Session may only be exited upon a motion by any member of the Senate or Executive Board and a majority vote of the ASHMC Senate, or upon the end of a Senate meeting.
    6. The minutes released from an Executive Session shall be limited, including only:
      1. An explanation of why Executive Session was entered.
      2. The results of votes taken, to the extent that releasing this information does not compromise confidential information.
    7. Details of a discussion that occurred in an executive session should not be shared outside Senate and Executive Board without the agreement of those involved in the discussion.

Article VI: Elections

  1. Restrictions on Candidates for ASHMC Office
    1. Students who are employed by the Division of Student Affairs as Dormitory Proctors may not hold any ASHMC office.
    2. Students who are employed by the Division of Student Affairs as Dormitory Mentors may not hold the office of ASHMC President, Senate Chair, Dormitory President, Social Director, Judiciary Board Chair, or Disciplinary Board Chair.
    3. No more than two candidates may run on the same ticket for the office of Class President. No more than four candidates may run on the same ticket for the office of Dorm President.
    4. No more than one person may run on the same ticket for the offices of ASHMC President, Senate Chair, Treasurer, Judiciary Board Chair or Disciplinary Board Chair.
  2. During all ASHMC elections, ASHMC members shall not:
    1. Deface or remove campaign signs approved by the Division of Student Affairs.
    2. Vote more than once in any given election.
    3. Intimidate any member of ASHMC for the purpose of changing their vote.
    4. Prevent another member of ASHMC from casting their vote.
  3. General Election Procedures
    1. Official ballots shall contain only legal candidates as specified in the “ASHMC Officer Policy” (Article II).
    2. Official ballots shall have a write-in option, except in runoff elections.
    3. Candidates who are abroad when an election occurs must make arrangements for a proxy to fill their position until they return to campus. This proxy may be another student qualified to hold the position, or the outgoing officeholder. Those candidates who are abroad at the time of the election must communicate their choice of proxy and anticipated dates that the proxy will serve to the current Senate Chair and in their ballot candidate statement.
    4. The electronic voting system to be used in an election must have been previously approved by the ASHMC Senate by a simple majority.
  4. Election Method
    1. The default method for elections with a single winner is an instant runoff system. Voters rank as many candidates as they desire. When counting, votes are distributed to candidates according to voters’ first preferences. If any candidate receives a majority of legal votes, then that candidate is elected. Otherwise, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and that candidate’s votes are distributed according to voters’ next highest preferences. This process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes continues until one candidate has a simple majority of legal, non-blank votes and is thus elected.
    2. The default method for elections with multiple winners is a modified instant runoff system. Voters rank as many candidates as they desire. When counting, votes are distributed to candidates according to voters’ first preferences. The “quota” of votes required for election is given by [1 + (votes cast)/(seats+1)]. A candidate that receives a quota of legal, non-blank votes shall be elected. This candidate is removed, this candidate’s votes are then distributed according to voters’ next highest preferences, and the system is rerun with the remaining candidates. Remaining seats are filled by a procedure where the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and that candidate’s votes are distributed according to voters’ next highest preferences. This process of eliminating candidates and transferring votes continues until enough candidates have a quota of legal, non-blank votes and are thus elected.
  5. Election Timing
    1. In general elections, petition periods and voting periods shall end on Sundays.
    2. Elections for Freshman Class President and Freshman Honor Board Representatives must begin before Thanksgiving Recess.
    3. Elections for all other elected offices specified in the Constitution shall begin in the Spring Semester.
      1. Elections for ASHMC President, Senate Chair, Judiciary Board Chair, and Disciplinary Board Chair should conclude before Spring Break.
      2. Appointment of the Treasurer and elections for Executive Board voting members and Class Presidents should begin after the conclusion of the elections for ASHMC President, Senate Chair, Judiciary Board Chair, and Disciplinary Board Chair and should conclude by the Sunday following the end of Room Draw.
      3. Elections for dormitory presidents should begin after Room Draw and should conclude by the second Sunday following the end of Room Draw.
      4. Elections for Honor Board representatives should begin at least two weeks after the start of the Executive Board petition period and should conclude by the third Sunday following the end of Room Draw.
  6. Election Periods
    1. Senate has the authority to extend a petition or voting period.
    2. If, by the end of a petition period, the number of petitions submitted is less than the number of seats to be filled, the petition period shall be extended for three days. If, by the end of the three-day extension, the number of petitions submitted remains less than the number of seats to be filled, the petition period shall be extended until 11:59pm Pacific Time of the day following that on which enough petitions have been received.
    3. Upon decision, extensions of petition and voting periods shall be communicated to all members of ASHMC by the Senate Chair.
  7. Club Elections
    1. A club election for club positions shall be considered valid if it meets all of the following criteria. If these criteria are not met, the Club Director has the power to withhold funding from the club.
      1. Only the active members of the club were permitted to vote.
      2. There was an open application for leadership positions listed in the club’s charter in accordance with ASHMC Senate Bylaws Article IX.2.b.ii.
      3. At least a three-day nomination period was allotted.
      4. All votes by club members were given equal weight.
      5. All candidates must be treated equally.
      6. The election was conducted via secret ballot.
      7. No person ran on more than one ticket at once.
      8. The club members were informed of the procedure being used by the beginning of the nomination period.
    2. Other club officer positions may be established in the club charter.
    3. All clubs must complete an election for their new leadership positions within a 4-14 day voting period such that new leadership can attend Mudd Budgeting in the Spring.
    4. If any club position is not filled at any time, the club presidents must fulfill the responsibilities of that position until a new person is elected to that position.
    5. If only one person is nominated or applies for a club leadership position, then no election is required.
      1. In the case of a new club, an election is not required as there is no membership base. Leadership is left to the discretion of the founders.
    6. If a club officer is running in a contested reelection, a club member or the Club Director may facilitate the election.
    7. Club Director Responsibilities
      1. The Club Director shall oversee the election processes for all clubs to ensure their non-discriminatory, democratic nature and to ensure that the procedures and practices outlined in the Senate Bylaws and Executive Policy are followed.
      2. The Club Director shall notify current club presidents when they should start conducting elections in time for Mudd budgeting to occur on time.
      3. The Club Director has the power to review and resolve all club voting procedures.

Article VII: Responsibilities of Dormitory and Class Officers

  1. Additional Dormitory Officers
    1. As sanctioned in the “Elections, Initiatives, and Referenda” Article of the ASHMC Constitution (Article V, Section 1), the following dormitory officers shall exist, with further descriptions in the ASHMC Policy:
      1. Dormitory Treasurer.
      2. Dormitory Athletics Representative.
      3. Dormitory Food Representative.
      4. Dormitory Social Representative.
  2. Responsibilities of Dormitory and Class Presidents
    1. Dormitory and Class Presidents shall attend Senate meetings.
    2. Dormitory Presidents shall:
      1. Keep their constituents informed of outcomes of ASHMC Senate meetings.
      2. Run dormitory meetings when necessary. Dormitory meetings should address issues relevant to the dormitory in a productive fashion.
      3. Meet with ResLife teams regularly.
      4. Act as liaisons between their constituents and the Division of Student Affairs, Facilities & Maintenance, and Campus Safety.
      5. Organize the removal of items from dorm storage at the beginning of the academic year
      6. Communicate with the Social Representative(s) of their dormitories about social events happening in their respective dormitories.
      7. Run elections to fill the dormitory positions as outlined in the “Elections, Initiatives, and Referenda” Article of the ASHMC Constitution (Article V, Section 1).
    3. Class Presidents
      1. Class Presidents shall plan events to enhance class community.
      2. The Senior Class President shall:
        1. Plan Senior 101.
        2. Plan Senior Week events.
        3. Work with the administration to choose a Commencement speaker.

Article VIII: Ancillary Executive Board Positions

  1. Selection of Executives
    1. All voting members of the Executive Board besides the Treasurer shall be elected by the student body as provided for in the “Elections, Initiatives, and Referenda” Article of the ASHMC Constitution (Article V, Section 1).
    2. The Activities Planning Director, Club Director, Diversity Director, Social Director, and Wellness Director shall be included among the voting members of the Executive Board.
    3. An election must be held to fill any newly created voting position on the Executive Board.
    4. The Social Director and the Activities Planning Director may be removed from office at the discretion of the President with approval from three-fourths of the Executive Board.
    5. The Senate Chair must perform a call for candidates lasting at least a week for the positions of Treasurer, Activities Planning Director, Club Director, Diversity Director, Social Director, and Wellness Director.
  2. Activities Planning Director
    1. The Activities Planning Director shall be responsible for encouraging students to partake in activities off of the HMC campus.
    2. The Activities Planning Director shall meet regularly with a representative from the Division of Student Affairs Office.
    3. Further duties of the Activities Planning Director may be outlined in the Executive Policy.
  3. Club Director
    1. The Club Director shall oversee the election processes, as outlined in Article VI, Section 7 above.
    2. The Club Director shall organize a Club Fair during the beginning of each academic year to showcase clubs on campus.
    3. The Club Director shall hold informational sessions, required for club presidents or a proxy, at least twice a semester.
    4. The Club Director shall review if a club is active, at the end of each semester, according to the definition of active set forth in Senate Bylaws. Club presidents may appeal the Club Director’s decisions to Senate during the semester.
    5. The Club Director shall set the deadline by which club petitions for non 50/50 split funding must be submitted. This deadline can be no earlier than October 15 and must be approved by the Executive Board.
    6. The Club Director shall meet regularly with a representative from the Division of Student Affairs Office.
    7. Further duties of the Club Director may be outlined in the Executive Policy.
  4. Diversity Director
    1. The Diversity Director shall increase awareness, action, and allyship on Harvey Mudd’s campus related to issues of diversity, equality, and inclusion.
    2. The Diversity Director shall act as an internal consultant to help Executive Board members increase inclusion and equality in their practices.
    3. The Diversity Director shall meet with diversity organizations and communicate their interests to ASHMC leadership and the administration.
    4. The Diversity Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Office of Institutional Diversity.
    5. The Diversity Director shall help draft ASHMC’s response to external events.
    6. Further duties of the Diversity Director may be outlined in the Executive Policy.
  5. Social Director
    1. The Social Director shall be responsible for the planning and managing of student social events on the Claremont Colleges campus.
    2. The Social Director shall meet regularly with a representative from the Division of Student Affairs Office.
    3. Further duties of the Social Director may be outlined in the Executive Policy.
  6. Wellness Director
    1. The Wellness Director shall be responsible for chairing the Wellness Committee and encouraging students to partake in wellness activities.
    2. The Wellness Director shall meet weekly with a representative from the Office of Wellbeing.
    3. The Wellness Director shall promote wellness on Harvey Mudd’s campus by coordinating wellness events with the Office of Wellbeing.
    4. Further duties of the Wellness Director may be outlined in the Executive Policy.

Article IX: Student Organizations

  1. Senate Committees
    1. Committee for Activities Planning (CAP)
      1. The Committee for Activities Planning shall consist of five members appointed by the Executive Board and a non-voting representative from the Division of Student Affairs.
      2. The Committee for Activities Planning shall be chaired by the Activities Planning Director.
      3. The Committee for Activities Planning shall promote and provide funding for off-campus social events.
      4. The Committee for Activities Planning shall not fund events held within the campuses of the Claremont Colleges.
      5. Funding
        1. The Committee for Activities Planning may only provide funding for events that are equally available and advertised to the entire student body.
        2. The Committee for Activities Planning may not reimburse an individual or organization for an event if they are receiving club funding for the same event.
      6. All Committee for Activities Planning members shall attend weekly Committee for Activities Planning meetings or risk incurring a fine of no more than $25 per meeting at the discretion of the Activities Planning Director.
      7. Further duties of the Committee for Activities Planning may be outlined in Executive Policy.
    2. Social Committee
      1. The Social Committee shall consist of a representative from each dorm.
      2. The Social Committee shall be chaired by the Social Director.
      3. The Social Committee shall promote and provide funding for on-campus and 5C social events.
      4. The Social Committee shall not fund events held outside the campuses of the Claremont Colleges.
      5. Funding
        1. The Social Committee may only provide funding for events that are equally available and advertised to the entire student body.
        2. The Social Committee may not reimburse an individual or organization for an event if they are receiving club funding for the same event.
      6. All Social Committee members shall attend weekly Social meetings or risk incurring a fine of no more than $25 per meeting for their dorm at the discretion of the Social Director.
      7. Further duties of the Social Committee may be outlined in the Executive Policy.
    3. Wellness Committee
      1. The Wellness Committee shall consist of the Wellness Director, a LAC Supervisor, and a Wellness Peer.
      2. The Wellness Committee shall be chaired by the Wellness Director.
      3. The Wellness Committee shall promote and provide funding for events and activities that promote mental, physical, and spiritual wellness.
      4. Funding
        1. The Wellness Committee may only provide funding for events that are equally available and advertised to the entire student body.
        2. The Wellness Committee may not reimburse an individual or organization for an event if they are receiving club funding for the same event.
      5. All Wellness Committee members shall attend weekly Wellness Committee Planning meetings or risk incurring a fine of no more than $25 per meeting at the discretion of the Wellness Director. If the LAC Supervisor or Wellness Peer on the committee cannot attend, another member of their respective organizations is an acceptable proxy.
      6. Further duties of the Wellness Committee may be outlined in Executive Policy.
  2. Clubs
    1. A club is defined as a chartered student organization that is founded by students not acting as Club Directors. To request funds from ASHMC, a club must have its charter approved by and on file with the Club Director.
    2. Club Charters
      1. A charter informs ASHMC of a club’s purpose, method, and structure. The Club Director shall consider the club’s uniqueness, student support, efficiency, and likelihood of continuation when approving a charter.
      2. The charter for a club must include the following paragraph or a substitute suitable to the Club Director: “No member or officer of this ASHMC chartered organization shall be selected, dismissed, or discriminated against on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, disability, national origin, ethnic origin, prior military service, religion, creed, or political affiliation.” If an individual believes that either the actions of a club or the structure of their charter are in violation of the club’s non-discrimination clause, the individual may initiate a discrimination case. The procedure is as follows:
        1. A member of ASHMC brings the complaint to the Club Director.
        2. If the case involves individuals who were potentially discriminated against, the Club Director must get the individuals’ consent before proceeding.
        3. The Club Director informs the club leaders of the anonymous complaint and attempts to discuss the complaint.
        4. If the Club Director believes the complaint is valid, the Club Director brings the complaint to the JB chair, who determines whether or not the charter has been broken, then the JB brings this to Senate.
        5. Senate hears the case from the Club Director in an Executive Session meeting where individuals may be invited to speak.
        6. If Senate decides, by a resolution, that discrimination occurred, the possible penalties may include but are not limited to
          1. A warning for a first offense.
          2. Withdrawal of all unspent club funding for a second or a serious offense.
          3. Revocation of club status for a second or serious offense.
        7. In the case where the Club Director is not available or has a conflict of interest the ASHMC President may act as Club Director for this procedure.
      3. No changes can be made to a charter without approval from the Club Director.
    3. By obtaining Club Director approval, a club is eligible for ASHMC funding on the stipulation that the club fulfills the following requirements:
      1. Submit an electronic copy of their approved charter with the updated names of the club’s leadership for the upcoming academic year prior to the yearly budgeting meeting.
      2. Submit an electronic copy of their audit prior to the yearly budgeting meeting.
      3. Participate in every HMC Club fair.
      4. Carry out any requests from the ASHMC Senate or Executive Board.
      5. Be active.
    4. Invalidation of a Club Charter
      1. In the case that an ASHMC club’s charter is invalidated, the club must have its charter approved by the ASHMC Senate once again before requesting funding.
      2. An already approved charter may become invalid if:
        1. The club shows no signs of activity for a period of two years. Appropriate signs of activities are the submission of charter and either an audit (mandatory if club received ASHMC funding) or an log briefly describing club activities and purchases every year prior to Spring Budgeting.
        2. No copies of the original charter can be found in ASHMC or the club’s records.
      3. Definition of an Active Club
        1. A club must have in-person meetings or events at least once per month.
        2. A club must spend at least 10% of its year-total budget each semester.
      4. Consequences of Inactivity
        1. If a club is deemed inactive in the fall semester, at the semester’s end, unspent funds are transferred back to ASHMC, and the club’s remaining budget is 0. The club’s charter remains valid until the academic year’s end.
        2. If a club is deemed inactive in the spring semester, funds remain allocated by default, but if ASHMC requires more funding, Senate may vote to use funding from inactive clubs’ budgets.
      5. Club Funding
        1. If a club is allocated initial funding at the end of the previous year or within one month of the current year, the budget will be assumed 50% first semester, 50% second semester.
        2. If a club is allocated initial funding after the first month of the academic year, the club must specify percentages of budget allocated to each semester.
        3. If at the end of the first semester, 50% of the club’s budget is not used, the remainder of the first semester’s allocation will be transferred back to ASHMC.
      6. The ASHMC Senate reserves the right to review and/or revoke any club’s charter, provided that officers of that club have had the opportunity to participate in the ASHMC Senate’s review.
    5. If a club finds a requirement above not applicable to their club, the club president must submit a petition to the Club Director for approval.
    6. Decisions made by the Club Director can be appealed to the ASHMC Senate.

Article X: Financial Policy

  1. The only persons authorized to charge goods and services to ASHMC are those persons specifically designated by the ASHMC Senate to do so.
  2. Members of ASHMC shall not use appropriated ASHMC funds for purposes other than those for which the funds were appropriated.
  3. The ASHMC Senate shall not appropriate ASHMC funds retroactively for expenses already incurred by a member, officer, organization, or committee of ASHMC.
  4. Student body fees may be changed by a majority vote of the ASHMC Senate, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.
  5. The ASHMC Treasurer shall compile a precise and up-to-date list of all ASHMC property from individual clubs and organizations worth more than $100.00, as well as a list of those members, clubs, and organizations responsible for its safekeeping.
  6. Default Appropriations:
    1. Each dormitory is entitled to receive $15.00 per dormitory affiliate per semester from ASHMC, payable on demand. The number of dorm affiliates for a semester is fixed seven days after the first classes of the semester.
      1. All ASHMC members living in HMC-sponsored housing are affiliated with the dormitory in which they reside at the beginning of each semester.
      2. ASHMC members studying abroad are by default affiliated with the dorm in which they last resided.
      3. Students on leave of absence who apply to remain a part of ASHMC will be affiliated with the dorm that they specify in their application.
    2. Each class is entitled to receive $600.00 per year from ASHMC, payable on demand.
  7. Priority of Funding
    1. Fixed charges as stated in the ASHMC Constitution shall receive top priority in distribution of funds. The groups receiving these funds may request additional funding by following the procedure outlined below.
    2. Debt service, plant expense, and other necessary payments shall be paid before budget requests are received. These shall be referred to as fixed charges in keeping with subsection A above.
  8. Guidelines for Funds
    1. Fixed charges will be paid in full or according to agreements made.
    2. The ASHMC Senate may suggest an appropriate amount of dues be collected by student organizations.
    3. Funding for ASHMC Leadership
      1. The ASHMC President and Senate Chair shall each be compensated a value of $525 per quarter. The ASHMC Treasurer shall be compensated a value of $450 per quarter. Compensation shall be awarded in May, October, December, and March, via a mechanism determined by ASHMC Senate. In the event of a change in leadership, stipends will be prorated based on days in office.
      2. ASHMC Leadership shall receive up to $20 per ASHMC leader, including members of the Executive Board, members of the ASHMC Senate, and Executive Appointments, for the purposes of training, bonding, and increasing campus presence.
      3. Beyond these allocations, the ASHMC Senate shall not appropriate money to be spent on itself unless it is necessary for the proper functioning of the Senate.
    4. ASHMC shall maintain a sample organization charter and funding request form to be distributed upon request and publicly posted. These forms will serve as an example of ASHMC standards in sponsoring organizations.
    5. All organization funding requests must be accompanied by a tabulated budget conforming to ASHMC standards.
    6. Clubs or organizations created in the ASHMC Constitution or Bylaws must work on a reimbursement basis if they do not have an ASHMC sponsored bank account specifically for that group.
    7. An ASHMC sponsored bank account shall have the ASHMC Treasurer listed as a signer and executive, and fall under the ASHMC Tax ID number.
  9. Specific Funds
    1. An Emergency Fund of $10,000 shall exist within the ASHMC Senate budget. The use of the Emergency Fund will require a three-quarters majority vote of the ASHMC Senate.
    2. A Long-Term Fund of up to $15,000 shall exist within the ASHMC Senate budget. This account will be used to fund projects or goods that will last a minimum of five years.
    3. 10% of each student’s dues, rounded down to the nearest $5 amount, will be allocated by that student’s vote in a student referendum.
      1. Allocations may be distributed to Diversity, Clubs, Wellness, CAP, Social, and General Funds categories.
        1. Funds allocated to the Diversity category will be distributed proportionally to all Diversity clubs based upon Senate’s Mudd Budgeting.
        2. Funds allocated to the Clubs category will be distributed proportionally to all non-Diversity clubs based upon Senate’s Mudd Budgeting.
        3. Funds allocated to the Wellness, CAP, and Social categories will be added to their respective overall budgets.
        4. Funds allocated to General Funds will return to non-allocated funds, which Senate may reallocate to its discretion.
      2. Allocations may be made to a $1 resolution.
      3. Allocations of students who do not vote will be directed to General Funds.
      4. Allocations by freshman, sophomore, and junior standing students will occur before Mudd Budgeting in the spring semester. The number of form submissions may be viewed after these allocations are complete so Senate knows how much of its budget is unusable. Other results and distribution of funds will be made public after Mudd Budgeting, so as to make the two processes independent.
      5. Allocations by incoming freshmen will occur following their first ASHMC Club Fair.
    4. At the beginning of an academic year, the ASHMC Treasurer will distribute the rollover funds from the previous academic year in the following order:
      1. The Emergency Fund, to its capacity of $10,000.
      2. The Long-Term Fund, to its capacity of $15,000.
      3. A General Fund, if any rollover funds remain.
  10. Procedure for Receiving ASHMC Funding:
    1. A budget request for the next academic year, including an up-to-date audit (where necessary) and charter, must be submitted to the ASHMC Treasurer at least three days before Spring Budgeting, with a reminder sent out at least a week before this due date. A representative of the organization must attend the budget meeting to present their budget.
    2. The ASHMC Treasurer shall notify every requesting organization of the amount allocated to them and who will be considered responsible for that allocation within three days of the allocation.
    3. In order to receive allocated funds, an officer of the receiving organization must submit a reimbursement request to the ASHMC Treasurer. Reimbursement requests must be submitted before the beginning of finals in order to guarantee reimbursement that semester.
    4. The ASHMC Treasurer will forward the reimbursement within a reasonable amount of time to the requesting officer.
  11. ASHMC Tax Details
    1. ASHMC, for the purpose of reporting tax details, will be structured on a fiscal year which begins on May 1 and ends on April 30.

Article XI: Room Draw Procedure

  1. Room Draw Policy
    1. The Senate must maintain a Room Draw Policy document.
    2. The Room Draw Policy document must be finalized before the start of spring vacation each year.
    3. Room Draw Policy is to be announced to the student body before the start of spring vacation.
  2. Management
    1. The ASHMC Senate Chair and their appointees shall run Room Draw.
    2. If a new Senate Chair is elected before the completion of Room Draw, the outgoing Senate Chair shall still run Room Draw.