Payment Plans
Monthly Payment Plan
Annual charges may be paid in 10 monthly installments, five each semester. For fall semester, monthly installments are due July through November. Installments are due December through April for the spring semester. There is $50 fee per semester for participation in the Monthly Payment Plan. Please be aware that the use of this plan is a privilege that may be revoked for just cause by the Office of Student Accounts.
The monthly installment amount is calculated by subtracting expected financial assistance minus loan fees, work study, non-deferred amounts and any past due amount from the account balance, and dividing the difference by the number of remaining installments for that semester. Payments are due upon receipt and become delinquent after the 20th of each month. Delinquent accounts are subject to a late charge of one percent of the delinquent amount. Check out our payment calculation examples.
Full Payment
Payment of all regular charges is due prior to the beginning of each semester. First semester charges, less financial aid credits, if any, are due no later than August 20. Second semester charges, less financial aid credits, if any, are due no later than December 20. Delinquent accounts are subject to a late charge of one percent of the delinquent amount.
Meet the Student Accounts Team
Office of Student Accounts
Kingston Hall 233
Phone: 909.621.8107
Fax: 909.607.1027