Biology Research Opportunities During the Academic Year

Students who wish to work in a research lab during the academic year may do so by consulting with the appropriate professor about a specific project either in the semester before the research is to begin or in the first few weeks at the start of the semester. Academic credit can be earned by registering for Bio161 (fall) or Bio162 (spring). Typically 1 credit hour amounts to 3 hours of research per week.
Projects specifically for first year students are typically posted in the fall. The first step, before registration, is to read over the project descriptions and talk to any professor who you think you might like to work with. Then, after registration, you’ll submit a form that will help us place you in a biology lab for the semester. To submit this form, you’ll need to know: (1) which profs you’d be interested in working with, (2) your ranked order of preference for those profs, and (3) your afternoon schedule. If you’re placed into a lab, you’ll then be able to add Bio 162 during the Add/Drop period.