Summer Research Opportunities

Summer research is a great experience. The Harvey Mudd College Department of Biology has a number of research positions available for Summer 2018. Most of these are funded by individual faculty research grants and by several endowed departmental funds. The Harvey Mudd biology department has been the fortunate recipient of funds to endow three summer research fellowships:
- The Emily H. Mudd Summer Research Fellowship – established with a bequest from Emily Mudd – supports an Emily Mudd Research Fellow each summer
- The Munzer Summer Research Fellowship – established with a generous donation from Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Munzer – supports a Munzer Summer Research Fellow approximately every two out of three summers
- The William K. Purves Summer Research Fellowship – established with a lead gift and additional donations from many HMC faculty and biology alumni to honor Dr. Bill Purves, the founding member of the HMC Biology Department, on his retirement – supports a Purves Summer Research Fellow approximately one out of three summers.
Visit biology research opportunities for more on summer research at Harvey Mudd and for links to projects and application forms. Working at Mudd is a great way to jumpstart your senior thesis or to find out if you’d like to work in a particular professor’s lab in the future.
Working off-campus is also a great way to spend your summer. It exposes you to new places and people and can provide opportunities to work in areas that aren’t available on-campus. Either way, you can’t lose!