Bruce J. Nelson Distinguished Speaker Series
Bruce J. Nelson Speaker Series Mission
The Bruce J. Nelson Distinguished Speaker Series has been made possible through the generosity of the family of Bruce J. Nelson ’74. Nelson was a brilliant technologist and leader, who developed the Remote Procedure Call and who, at the time of his death, was the chief science officer at Cisco Systems. The speaker series addresses global technical issues and their social, economic and political challenges.
Lectures are held on campus in the fall semester.
2024 Speaker Series
Learning in the Age of AI
Sept. 10, Oct. 8 and Nov. 12
The 2024 Nelson Series, Learning in the Age of AI, is an exploration of the complex relationship between human and machine learning. Industry experts will help us make sense of how people learn in the age of AI.
A reception for each event begins at 5:15 p.m. with the lectures commencing at 6 p.m. Talks are free and open to the public.
Sal Khan, Sept. 10
Founder and CEO of Khan Academy
John Warner, Oct. 8
Author of Why They Can’t Write and “Just Visiting” column, Inside Higher Ed
Emily M. Bender, Nov. 12
Professor of Linguistics, University of Washington (Seattle); 100 Most Influential People in Artificial Intelligence (Time magazine, 2023)
The Race, Class and Gender of Climate Change
Naomi Oreskes
Telling the Story of Climate Science: What New Science Tells Us and How to Talk About it
Katharine Hayhoe
Maker Cultures
Ellen Jorgensen