How to Help Your Student and OCS

Encourage your Student to…
- Visit the Office of Career Services to become familiar with our services.
- Meet with a career counselor regardless of their stage of exploration or readiness.
- In their first summer, seek internships or research position in possible areas of interest.
- Create and update their Handshake profile. Handshake is Harvey Mudd College’s web-based career management and communications system. It provides access to information on all aspects of our programs, including where to find employment opportunities from on-campus work study to full-time positions. We also use it to share information with them such as employers attending career fairs.
- Maximize the use of their vacation time. Winter and spring breaks are great times for a short internship, networking meetings, shadowing experience, or travel opportunity.
- Get involved in campus activities to develop their leadership skills.
- Check out our weekly e-newsletter each week. (To be added to the mailing list to receive e-news, email us at
More detailed information is available on the Families’ Guide to Career Development page.
How you can Help the Office of Career Services
Post a Job or Internship for Students and Alumni
If you or your organization would like to post a position on Handshake, email Jeanette Martinez at Please include as much information as you can, including a job description, a website if available, a contact person, and application procedures
Share your Career Insights
You are invited to come to campus and share your expertise. Tell us when you are planning a visit to campus and we will make the arrangements for your presentation.
Serve as a Networking Contact
Students need to network with professionals to gather more information about career options or a person they can “shadow” on the job.
Host Students at Your Place of Employment
Students love to visit companies and see firsthand what really goes on in the workplace. Please contact our office if you would like to host a group of Harvey Mudd students on a company site visit.
If you are interested in partnering with our office in any of these ways, please contact us.