Chemistry Senior Theses
Helen Chen | Preparatory Work for Long-term Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements at the Robert J. Bernard Field Station, Claremont, California | Professor S.C. Kavassalis |
Jesse Chen | Competition and Cooperation Between Endonuclease APE1 and Transcription Factor p53 for Binding Apurinic DNA | Professor K. Haushalter |
Natalie Couch | Rotational Spectroscopy of Water-Ketone Clusters | Professor A.O. Hernandez-Castillo |
Clements (CJ) Evans | SPG7, Protein Degradation, and Longevity in Drosophila | Professor J. Hur |
Jovin Ho | Orthogonal Chemistry in Third Generation Photovoltaics | Professor H. Van Ryswyk |
Evan Kim | Sufficiency of Bromodomain Protein 3 in initiating transcription of procyclin genes during life cycle transitions of African trypanosomes from the bloodstream to the procyclic form | Professor D. Schulz |
Aech Loar | Backbone Stereochemistry and Degradation Characteristics in Polynorbornene | Professor S.D. Brucks |
Sydney Neibert | Mild, Green Acylation of Carbon Nucleophiles Using TCFH-NMI | Professor D. Vosburg |
James Nicholson | Incorporating Redox-Active Metal Oxides into Amorphous Metal Organic Frameworks | Professor C. Healy |
Paul Oh | Effects of independent ClpX and ClpP overexpression on proteostasis, mitochondrial function, and health in Drosophila melanogaster | Professor J. Hur |
Caetano Perez-Marchant | Developing Polynorbornene Bottlebrush Sidechain and Crosslinker Monomers for Stereospecific Polymerization | Professors S.D. Brucks and M. Ilton |
Sydney Porto | Construction of a Trypanosoma brucei strain used to demonstrate that histone acetyltransferase-2 contributes to expression of EP1 during differentiation | Professor D. Schulz |
Jocelyn Sabin | Synthesis of Chiral Titanium Complexes of Amino-Acid Derived Ligands with a Ferrocene Core | Professor A.R. Johnson |
Connor Seto | Investigating the Relative Performance of PurpleAir PA-IIFLEX and QuantAW MondulairTM-PM Sensors in Claremont, CA as a Function of Aerosol Properties and Meterology | Professor L.N. Hawkins |
Luke Stemple | Modifications of a Pyridine Cyclization Cascade for Matrine Precursors | Professor D. Vosburg |
Matea Zelich | Adapting a Protocol for Observing Protein-DNA Interactions to Study the Epigenetic Role of DNA Base Modifications | Professor K. Haushalter |
Ezra Bacon-Gershman | Design and Construction of a Chirped-Pulse Microwave | Professor A.O. Hernandez-Castillo |
Eleanor Bentley | Improving US aerosol characterization and data management: Creating the Joshua Tree National Park ASCENT site | Professor L.N. Hawkins |
Hannah Betts | Variation in dsrA expression is not the sole mechanism for differences in RpoS accumulation at low temperature across several Enterobacteriaceae species | Professor D. Stoebel |
Emma Dy | Novel Aniline Catalyst for Bioorthogonal Oxime Hydrogel Polymerization | Professor S. Santana |
Ethan Flanagan | Backbone Stereochemistry and Degradation Characteristics in Polynorbornene | Professor S.D. Brucks |
Eugene Gao | Coarse-Grained Molecular Simulation of Poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) and Silica Nanocomposite Membranes for Gas Transport Insights | Professor N. Lape |
Mallorie Jenne | Exploring the Role of CG5815 in Lipid Metabolism in Drosophila Melanogaster | Professor J. Hur |
Jacob Kebler | Synthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of (NNON)PtMe (NNON = 2,6-bis(diethylaminomethyl)-4-pyridone) | Professor N.S. Burke |
Ixchel Lopez | Optimizing the Methodology of Assembling the Human OGG1-DNA Nucleosome Complex to Study Nucleosome DNA-Protein Dynamics | Professor K. Haushalter |
Nathaniel Luis | The rapid, mild, green synthesis of challenging esters through TCFH-activation: optimization and scope | Professor D. Vosburg |
Elise Mieke | Accumulation of Glycogen and Variation in RpoS at Low Temperature in Enteric Bacteria | Professor D. Stoebel |
Drew Pronovost | Air Quality and Climate: Chemical and Optical Properties of Urban Aerosol | Professor L.N. Hawkins |
Ali Talib Saieff | Simulating Urban Grime using Cellular Automata | Professor S.C. Kavasslis |
Joseph Serby | Effects of pH on the Growth of L. rhamnosus | Professor S.D. Brucks |
Laura Wu | Assembly of the Electronic Circuit for a Chirped-Pulse Microwave Spectrometer in the 6-18 GHz region | Professor A.O. Hernandez-Castillo |