Chemistry Senior Theses

Helen ChenPreparatory Work for Long-term Greenhouse Gas Flux Measurements at the Robert J. Bernard Field Station, Claremont, CaliforniaProfessor S.C. Kavassalis
Jesse ChenCompetition and Cooperation Between Endonuclease APE1 and Transcription Factor p53 for Binding Apurinic DNAProfessor K. Haushalter
Natalie CouchRotational Spectroscopy of Water-Ketone ClustersProfessor A.O. Hernandez-Castillo
Clements (CJ) EvansSPG7, Protein Degradation, and Longevity in DrosophilaProfessor J. Hur
Jovin HoOrthogonal Chemistry in Third Generation PhotovoltaicsProfessor H. Van Ryswyk
Evan KimSufficiency of Bromodomain Protein 3 in initiating transcription of procyclin genes during life cycle transitions of African trypanosomes from the bloodstream to the procyclic formProfessor D. Schulz
Aech LoarBackbone Stereochemistry and Degradation Characteristics in PolynorborneneProfessor S.D. Brucks
Sydney NeibertMild, Green Acylation of Carbon Nucleophiles Using TCFH-NMIProfessor D. Vosburg
James NicholsonIncorporating Redox-Active Metal Oxides into Amorphous Metal Organic FrameworksProfessor C. Healy
Paul OhEffects of independent ClpX and ClpP overexpression on proteostasis, mitochondrial function, and health in Drosophila melanogasterProfessor J. Hur
Caetano Perez-MarchantDeveloping Polynorbornene Bottlebrush Sidechain and Crosslinker Monomers for Stereospecific PolymerizationProfessors S.D. Brucks and M. Ilton
Sydney PortoConstruction of a Trypanosoma brucei strain used to demonstrate that histone acetyltransferase-2 contributes to expression of EP1 during differentiationProfessor D. Schulz
Jocelyn SabinSynthesis of Chiral Titanium Complexes of Amino-Acid Derived Ligands with a Ferrocene CoreProfessor A.R. Johnson
Connor SetoInvestigating the Relative Performance of PurpleAir PA-IIFLEX and QuantAW MondulairTM-PM Sensors in Claremont, CA as a Function of Aerosol Properties and MeterologyProfessor L.N. Hawkins
Luke StempleModifications of a Pyridine Cyclization Cascade for Matrine PrecursorsProfessor D. Vosburg
Matea ZelichAdapting a Protocol for Observing Protein-DNA Interactions to Study the Epigenetic Role of DNA Base ModificationsProfessor K. Haushalter
Chemistry Senior Theses – 2024
Ezra Bacon-GershmanDesign and Construction of a Chirped-Pulse MicrowaveProfessor A.O. Hernandez-Castillo
Eleanor BentleyImproving US aerosol characterization and data management: Creating the Joshua Tree National Park ASCENT siteProfessor L.N. Hawkins
Hannah BettsVariation in dsrA expression is not the sole mechanism for differences in RpoS accumulation at low temperature across
several Enterobacteriaceae species
Professor D. Stoebel
Emma DyNovel Aniline Catalyst for Bioorthogonal Oxime Hydrogel PolymerizationProfessor S. Santana
Ethan FlanaganBackbone Stereochemistry and Degradation Characteristics in PolynorborneneProfessor S.D. Brucks
Eugene GaoCoarse-Grained Molecular Simulation of Poly(4-methyl-2-pentyne) and Silica Nanocomposite Membranes for Gas Transport InsightsProfessor N. Lape
Mallorie JenneExploring the Role of CG5815 in Lipid Metabolism in Drosophila MelanogasterProfessor J. Hur
Jacob KeblerSynthesis, Characterization, and Reactivity of (NNON)PtMe (NNON = 2,6-bis(diethylaminomethyl)-4-pyridone)Professor N.S. Burke
Ixchel LopezOptimizing the Methodology of Assembling the Human OGG1-DNA Nucleosome Complex to Study Nucleosome
DNA-Protein Dynamics
Professor K. Haushalter
Nathaniel LuisThe rapid, mild, green synthesis of challenging esters through
TCFH-activation: optimization and scope
Professor D. Vosburg
Elise MiekeAccumulation of Glycogen and Variation in RpoS at Low Temperature in Enteric BacteriaProfessor D. Stoebel
Drew Pronovost
Air Quality and Climate: Chemical and Optical Properties of Urban AerosolProfessor L.N. Hawkins
Ali Talib SaieffSimulating Urban Grime using Cellular AutomataProfessor S.C. Kavasslis
Joseph SerbyEffects of pH on the Growth of L. rhamnosusProfessor S.D. Brucks
Laura WuAssembly of the Electronic Circuit for a Chirped-Pulse
Microwave Spectrometer in the 6-18 GHz region
Professor A.O. Hernandez-Castillo
Chemistry Senior Theses – 2023