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Lelia N. Hawkins Facing Climate Change

Resources for teaching climate change

Online Courses and Open Access Textbooks

Bending the Curve (MOOC), free, with four short online courses aimed at the introductory level

Global Warming 1: The science and modeling of climate change

Global Warming 2: Create your own models in Python

Toolkit: A resource manual for science and action (online textbook)

Community resilience to climate change (online textbook)

Introduction to climate science (online textbook)

Web Resources for Educators

Solve climate by 2030 includes climate solutions webinars, lists of willing speakers, and discussion questions by course area

Project Drawdown: reducing carbon emissions through many interventions (interdisciplinary)

Solutions Journalism: modules for including climate solutions into your course

CLEAN: Climate literacy and energy awareness network: a huge repository of curated teaching resources for all levels from NOAA: another huge repository of teaching resources, including ready-to-use activities on many topics

National Climate Assessment Teaching Resources: a series of guides for educators that focus on the regional chapters of the Assessment Report, helping to unpack the key messages of each region and point to related, high-quality online resources.

Other Resources

Carbon removal companies, including startups.

The Climate Museum

Podcast – How to save a planet.

Jobs: Greenbiz

Climatebase job platform: Resource for helping students find climate-related jobs.

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice Resources (Google Doc) contains links to articles at the intersection of environmental decline and racism. The document is living – our team adds articles as we find them. You will also find some case studies highlighted here.