Endoscopic Application of a Chitosan Bandage

Oregon Medical Laser Center Engineering, 2003-04

Liaison(s): Kenton Gregory
Advisor(s): Elizabeth Orwin
Students(s): Rick Bente (PM), Heather Bryan, Jeffrey Lin, Aileen Nuguid

Esophageal varices are dilated veins of the portal systemic system, which pass through the lower area of the esophagus. Patients presenting ruptured esophageal varices have a 40-70% fatality rate, and recurrent bleeding is typical. The Oregon Medical Laser Center has created a chitosan dressing for the Department of Defense to be used on massive hemor-rhages. To extend the application of chitosan bandages for hemorrhage control and tissue repair of esophageal varices, the Clinic team has designed a non-invasive endoscopic delivery system of a chitosan bandage for use under video guidance.