An Integral Monitoring System for the Very-High-Frequency Omni-Directional Range (VOR) Aircraft Navigation System

Federal Aviation Administration VOR Engineering, 2004-05

Liaison(s): Nelson Spohnheimer
Advisor(s): John Molinder, Qimin Yang (F)
Students(s): Min Shim (TL), Brad Greer, Robert Little (F), Kawika Maunupau (F), Jessica Riley (S), Wayne Tanaka (S)

Design, build, and test a system for monitoring the voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) on VOR antenna feed lines to augment the prototype integral monitoring system developed by the 2003-04 project teams and currently installed at the Drummond, Montana VOR site. Perform a parametric analysis to determine the effect of various VOR system failures on VSWR and demonstrate the monitor’s capability to detect some or all of these failures via computer simulation, use of the 535B VOR rack on loan to HMC from the FAA, and installation at the Drummond VOR site. Remotely collect and analyze data to verify the performance of the currently installed prototype. Suggest approaches for development of a production-ready design.