Techniques for Visualizing Large Sets of Business Rules
January 1, 2006Fair Isaac Corporation Computer Science, 2005-06
Liaison(s): Stuart Crawford, Sergei Tolmanov, Megan Thorsen ’02
Advisor(s): Christine Alvarado, Belinda Thom (F)
Students(s): Kristen Kurimoto (SCR) (PM: S), John McCullough Matt Reynolds (PM: F), Will Shipley
This project investigated various visual structures for sets of business rules. The team developed software for transforming arbitrarily constructed decision trees into Oblivious read-Once Decision Graphs (OODGs) and Exception Directed Acyclic Graphs (EDAGs). The team then analyzed the visual complexity of the different structures to determine whether the OODGs and EDAGs are more human-readable than the original trees. This work will form the foundation for a potential EDAG visualization component for Fair Isaac’s Blaze Advisor system.