Therapeutic Contact Lens

Biomedical Research Services, Inc. Engineering, 2005-06

Liaison(s): Kenton Gregory
Advisor(s): Elizabeth Orwin ’95
Students(s): Teresa Pineda (TL), Ekaterina Kniazeva, Walter Liau (S), Felicia Nan (S) Max Pflueger (F), Michaela Reagan, Neel Shah (F)

Biomedical Research Services (BRS), a biomedical science research company, desires a therapeutic contact lens. Due to chitosan’s known antimicrobial and healing properties, BRS has requested the use of chitosan as the surface treatment. BRS requires the lens to inhibit a broad spectrum of common bacterial pathogens while allowing uninterrupted vision. In addition to being optically transparent, the chitosan layer must not cause degradation of the lens and must not hurt the patient in any way.