Design of a Satellite Signal Meter Add-On and Installation Meter

DIRECTV, Inc. Engineering, 2006-07

Liaison(s): John Norin ’90/91, David Kuether, Shamik Maitra ’02
Advisor(s): Carl Baumgaertner
Students(s): Eddy Chavarria (TL), Ted Jiang, Richard Garfinkel, Anu Kohli (S), Michael Dayringer (S), Casey Schilling (F), Jason Squires (F)

DIRECTV has developed a Single Wire Multi-switch (SWM) distribution system which requires only one coaxial cable coming from the roof into a customer’s home. Existing satellite signal meters cannot communicate with the SWM, and therefore cannot be used for dish alignment. The DIRECTV Clinic team has developed an add-on module that will allow communication between the SWM and existing signal meters. The team has also designed a simple meter to measure cable loss in a customer’s home and ensure compatibility with the wider frequency band required by the SWM system.