Active Millimeter-Wave Imaging Using Fourier Telescopy

TREX Enterprises Corporation Engineering, 2007-08

Liaison(s): Paul Johnson, Laura Moyer ’06, Hope Runyeon ’06
Advisor(s): Bob Schaffer
Students(s): Dan Goodwin (S-TL), Chris Pong (F-TL), Greg Herschler (S), Hector Cuevas (S), Leah Anderson (F), Hayden Gomes (F), Vicky Wu (F)

This project demonstrates the combination of Fourier Telescopy and millimeter-wave imaging. Millimeter-wave imaging is ideal in security situations, as there is negligible signal disturbance through media such as hair, clothing and wood. This allows dangerous objects to be clearly visible in conventional methods of smuggling though checkpoints. Furthermore, the use of Fourier Telescopy will dramatically reduce the amount of hardware necessary compared to existing millimeter wave images.