Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in OBIGGS Distribution Systems

Honeywell Aerospace Engineering, 2007-08

Liaison(s): Ken Erickson, Andrew Earl
Advisor(s): Reza Miraghaie
Students(s): Andrew Kuntjoro (TL), Andrew Felix, Jowene Wong, Michael Van Antwerp (F), Brad Witkowski (F), Charles Gastil (S)

The On-Board Inert Gas Generating System (OBIGGS) is an important part of an aircraft’s on board fuel supply safety system. Due to complex geometries presented by fitting the system in the aircraft’s wings, it is possible for the distribution system to dip into a fuel tank, allowing fuel to entrain in the pipes. This clinic project tests the effectiveness of the OBIGGS System in clearing entrained fuel by simulating geometries and conditions found in an aircraft.