A Multi-Criteria Optimization Model for Trade-Offs Between Services and Costs in Computer Support Services

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Mathematics, 2009-10

Liaison(s): John McDermon, Sharon Seitz
Advisor(s): Talithia Williams
Students(s): Rick O’Toole, Kaylin Spitz (PM), Will Terry, David Zitter

The Department of Computer Services (DCS) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) provides computer support to a variety of computing environments. Different organizations within the lab require different levels of computer support. DCS has tasked us with quantifying the difference between these organizations, based on information regarding an organization’s current computing environment and level of received support. A statistical model, measuring the complexity of these computing environments, has been developed, allowing the adequate distribution of computing support to organizations at LANL.