Ethernet Testing Device

DIRECTV, Inc. Engineering, 2011-12

Liaison(s): Johnny Shum, John Norin ’90/91
Advisor(s): Katherine Candler
Students(s): Alena Rau (TL-S), Chris Abella (TL-S), Grant Ukropina (S), Katie Hauser (S), Brett Burley (F), Braden Neufeld (F)

In order to streamline the installation process of new High-Definition home receivers, DIRECTV has tasked the Harvey Mudd clinic team with creating a handheld device that provides the status of a customer’s home Ethernet network. The device performs six main tests in order to identify common installation problems. The team will deliver a product that allows for an installer un-trained in Ethernet networking to accurately assess the customer’s network, providing assistance to the customer in connecting to the DIRECTV home receiver.