Monitoring and Management Strategy for Liquid Cooling of LANL’s Data Center

Los Alamos National Laboratory Engineering, 2012-13

Liaison(s): Josip Loncaric
Advisor(s): Erik Spjut
Students(s): Leslie Forrester (TL-S), Moriah Gelder (TL-F), James Anderson, Andrew Hilger, Samantha Kobus (F), Tuan Nguyen (S)

The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Clinic team designed a strategy to minimize water usage of the laboratory’s server cooling system while limiting maintenance costs due to scaling and corrosion. During the Fall semester, the team evaluated five design options that reduce water use in the cooling system. The Spring semester goals included detailed investigation of the most promising options identified during the Fall and design of a pilot plant to test proposed filters and control strategies.