USB 3.0 to Multi-protocol Interface Adapter

Rambus, Inc. Engineering, 2013-14

Liaison(s): Pradeep Batra, Julia Cline, Adrian Torres
Advisor(s): Josef Spjut
Students(s): Austin Chen (TL-S), Sean Velazquez (TL-F), Antoine Billig (EX), Chanel Chang, Obosa Obazuaye (CS), Jeffrey Steele (S)

Rambus Inc. uses a protocol adapter that provides the means to communicate with SPI, JTAG I2C and other proprietary interfaces over a common USB 2.0 interface to a host computer. This adapter is used to test the throughput and performance of various Rambus products. The goal of this clinic project is to design a USB 3.0 adapter on a PCB that communicates between a device under test and existing testing software with higher speeds.