Novel System for Femoral Reconstruction Surgery

City of Hope Engineering, 2015-16

Liaison(s): Dr. J. Dominic Femino, Dr. George Calvert
Advisor(s): Gordon Krauss
Students(s): Sherman Lam (TL-F), Sarah Nichols (TL-S), Matias Farfan, Alana Chapko (F), David Tenorio (F), Leonardo Huerta (S), Emily Schooley (S), Connor Stashko (S)

Metastatic tumors often weaken the bones of cancer patients. If a patient’s femur breaks, they could lose mobility for the rest of their life. The current procedure to reinforce weakened femurs is not always effective. The team has designed, prototyped, and tested a set of devices that will improve the existing procedure. The devices include an improved tumor removal tool, a sophisticated cement applicator, and a redesigned femoral nail.