Star Tracker Improvements

Millennium Space Systems Engineering, 2019-20

Liaison(s): Tom Chrien, Lauren Hu, Daniel Gagnon, Rob Gilliland
Advisor(s): Chris Clark
Students(s): Andrew M. Pham (TL), Alex Moody, Derek Pickell, Kevin Shoyer, Jahanara Nares (S), Marco Conati (S)

Millennium Space Systems, a Boeing Company, is a full-service, end-to-end space mission solution provider for the United States government with an emphasis on providing 90% of the capability at 10 to 20% of the cost of traditional space system companies. As part of its vertically integrated infrastructure, Millennium manufactures its own star trackers, including both hardware and software elements. The Clinic team researched and implemented computer vision techniques to augment the star tracker so that it can obtain position and rotational velocity estimates in addition to absolute three-axis attitude knowledge.