Remote Bioimpedance Spectroscopy Device for SubClinical Lymphedema Detection

City of Hope Engineering, 2019-20

Liaison(s): Dr. Yuman Fong, Dr. Lily Lai, Jennifer Hayter, Sherry Hite, Ragini Kothari ’18
Advisor(s): Angela Lee
Students(s): Celeste Cerna (TL-F), Douglas Raigosa (TL-F), Kira Favakeh (TL-S), Solhee Kim, Katie Partington (S)

The 2019–2020 City of Hope Clinic team developed a comprehensive, remote rehabilitation and lymphedema care system which encompasses remote solutions using a mobile application and a simple and inexpensive at-home monitoring device. This includes addressing each of the practices used in current gold-standard care, particularly monitoring for changes in extracellular fluid using bioimpedance spectroscopy and educating and empowering patients on lymphedema prevention and management by expanding an existing mobile application.