High-Throughput Low-Footprint Encryption and Authentication Solutions

Physical Optics Corporation (POC) Engineering, 2019-20

Liaison(s): Ian Jiminez ’11, Anthony Lai
Advisor(s): Erik Spjut
Students(s): Eleanor Naudzius (TL-S), Spencer Rosen (TL-F), Noah Boorstin, Kanoa Gilliland, Alex Smith (S)

The Physical Optics Corporation Clinic team has implemented three encryption and validation algorithms (RSA, SHA and AES-XTS) in VHDL for use on FPGAs to enable POC to create solutions with modern encryption standards at high data rates for its customers. The final project objective is to minimize the FPGA footprint to less than 20% of a Xilinx ZU7EV MpSoc and achieve an AES-XTS throughput of 3.2 GB/s.