CubeSat Spectrum Analyzer

The Aerospace Corporation Engineering, 2014-15

Liaison(s): Dr. Samuel S. Osofsky ’85, Michael Rolenz
Advisor(s): Matthew Spencer
Students(s): Leif Park Jordan (TL-S), Andrew Wells (TL-F), Eric Storm, Ramy Elminyawi (S), Austin Fikes(S), Eddie Gonzales (F), Sarah Paek (F)

Spectrum is a precious commodity. The UHF frequency band is used globally by terrestrial and space-based communication systems, but its utilization isn’t well characterized. The Aerospace Corporation team designed, built, and demonstrated a Picosatellite compatible payload to measure radio frequency energy within the UHF band. A Picosatellite, which can be sent into orbit inexpensively, would host this payload and map UHF radio energy while it orbits the globe in order to help plan future satellite use of the UHF band.