Design and Implementation of a Memory Testing Apparatus for Non-Human Primates

Dart Neuroscience, LLC Engineering, 2014-15

Liaison(s): Philip Cheung ’96, John McNeil ’89, Jef Vivian
Advisor(s): Josef Spjut
Students(s): Guillaume Legrain (EX), Zach Vickland, Xin Cyrus Huang, Minh Triet Nguyen, Sebastian Krupa, Fabiha Hannan (F), Maggie Rabasca (F), Tiancheng Yang (F)

Dart Neuroscience is a biomedical company focused on combating cognitive issues such as memory loss. The purpose of this project is to design an automated testing apparatus to streamline drug discovery. The project focuses on hardware-software interaction and feedback control of a system of microcontrollers in an effort to create a reproducible testing environment. The product will be used by biologists to design, evaluate, and run experiments to determine drug efficacy.