Data Center Humidification System Overhaul and Redundancy Strategy

Los Alamos National Laboratory Engineering, 2014-15

Liaison(s): Michael Ferguson, David Walker, Cindy Martin
Advisor(s): Anthony Bright
Students(s): Lingxiao (Bruce) Yan (TL-S), Tamara Savage (TL-F), Ariel Willey, Julia Fox (F), Daniel Lee (S), Josephine Chen (S), Rose Martin (F)

The relative humidity of Los Alamos National Laboratory’s (LANL) supercomputing data center must remain within a specific range to prevent electrostatic discharge. The LANL Clinic Team evaluated LANL’s existing humidification system and investigated different options to provide a backup system. The team has made a recommendation to LANL for the best humidification option and developed a detailed plan for the implementation and maintenance of the new system, including its monitoring and alarm systems.