Automotive Accessory Design Concept

Mazda North American Operations Engineering, 2014-15

Liaison(s): Kazunari Muranaka, Ryan Walsh
Advisor(s): Okitsugu Furuya, Patrick Little
Students(s): Amanda Bennett (TL-S), Annie Chung (TL-F), Sarah Stevens, Richard Piersall (S) Maxwell Waugaman (S), Adam Schiller (F), Alexander Rich (F)

As a leading auto manufacturer, Mazda is interested in designing and offering products that differentiate itself from other carmakers and that also enhance its Zoom-Zoom philosophy. By utilizing the creativity of young engineers, Mazda hopes to develop unique car accessories that engage existing customers, attract new customers, and ultimately build a relationship between customers and Mazda. The Mazda Clinic team researched the accessories market, explored the design space, and developed two unique product concepts in support of this goal.