Miniaturization of Lifetime Optical Reader Device for Glucose Monitoring

Medtronic Diabetes Engineering, 2011-12

Liaison(s): Soren Aasmul, Alexander McAuley ’11
Advisor(s): David Money Harris
Students(s): Kristen Waren (TL-S), Isabel Bush (TL-F), Liana Boraas (S), David Maragoni-Simonsen(S), Kathleen Vinnedge (S), Kacyn Fujii (F), Ellery Burgess (F), Kate Crawford (F)

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems allow patients with diabetes to read their blood glucose levels in real time. Medtronic has already designed and produced a working fluorescence based CGM system, but it is too large for patients to wear comfortably. The 2011-2012 Medtronic Clinic team aims to reduce the size and power consumption of this system by exploring and testing changes to the signal processing algorithms and hardware of the glucose reader device.