Fluid-Driven Coaxial Peristaltic IV Pump

CareFusion Engineering, 2010-11

Liaison(s): Robert D. Butterfield, Daniel M. Abal, Dr. Robert Siefert
Advisor(s): Lori Bassman
Students(s): Jason Kang (TL-S), Susanna Lin (TL-F), Marie Godla, Kirby Haraguchi (S), Katherine Lownsbery (S), Mira De Avila-Shin (F), Alex Ross (F)

The team is collaborating with CareFusion in designing a novel peristaltic infusion (IV) pump. The new pneumatic design and coaxial design is hoped to increase accuracy and efficiency, decrease the cost of precision fabrication, and decrease time variation in medication flow rate. The Clinic team has been charged with analyzing the design, optimizing it, and creating a proof-of-concept prototype of the disposable portion of the pump.