Getting Dirty: A Testing Approach to Soiling in Concentrating Solar Power Plants

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Engineering/Physics, 2010-11

Liaison(s): Cheryl Kennedy PhD
Advisor(s): Alfred Kwok
Students(s): Julia Diaz (TL-F), Sam Keene (TL-S), Ashley Nelson, Evann Gonzales (F), Dalar Nazarian (S), Ethan Susca (S)

Concentrating Solar Power plants use large mirrors to concentrate sunlight and convert the thermal energy collected to electricity. Over time, these mirrors become dirty from exposure to airborne soil, and this greatly reduces the efficiency of power generation. The NREL team’s goal is to create a piece of laboratory equipment which allows for accelerated testing of mirrors and anti-soiling coatings, and to research the properties of desert soil that pertain to adhesion.