Design and Implementation of a Tool for Satellite Link Analysis

DirecTV, Inc. Engineering, 2009-10

Liaison(s): Shamik Maitra, Patrick Loner
Advisor(s): Charles Thangaraj, Carl Baumgaertner (F)
Students(s): Dillon Ayers (F), Donald Bolton (TL-F), Daniel Bujalski (TL-S), Steven Gordon (S), Jenni Rinker (S), Andrew Xue (S), Kevin Yeung (F)

DirecTV prides itself in its ability to provide quality satellite TV broadcasting service to its customers. Thus, the company requires many tools to predict the quality of signals for given locations. Our Clinic project’s goal is to create an easy-to-use PC-based tool by which DirecTV can analyze various satellite links in their system, taking into account all significant interference and attenuation factors that will affect signal availability.