High-Temperature High-Speed Data Link for Geothermal Systems

Sandia National Laboratories Engineering, 2009-10

Liaison(s): Joseph Henfling, Douglas Blankenship
Advisor(s): Ziyad Duron
Students(s): Ariel Berman (F), Michael Ho, Daniel Ihlenfeldt (S), Julia Karl, Ben Keller (TL), Madeleine Ong (S)

Sandia National Laboratories is interested in improving real-time communications with instrumentation mounted near the drill bits of geothermal drilling rigs. High-speed data links between these instruments and surface readouts allow for rapid corrections to drilling procedure and minimize the risk of damaged bits, reducing the overall cost of geothermal drilling. The team was tasked with designing a low-cost readout system that could interpret data sent at high data rates over long cables.