Modeling Shock Propagation In Satellite Instrumentation Panels

Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) Engineering, 2009-10

Liaison(s): Adam Maher, Dan Thunnissen, Gerrit van Ommering
Advisor(s): Philip Cha, Ziyad Duron
Students(s): Joel Brown (F), Chelsea Drenick(TL-S), Betsy Ellis (TL-F), Ben Hsieh (S), Eric Nieters(S), Ben Smith, Elliot Smith (S)

Space Systems/Loral (SSL) manufactures satellite systems for a variety of clients. Their satellites include honeycomb aluminum panels for which there currently exists no good analytical model of shock propagation. The system is complicated by the addition of instrumentation, which adds weight to the panel. Therefore, SSL must employ costly testing and use conservative designs. The goal of this Clinic project is to create and experimentally verify a model of shock propagation through the honeycomb panels with point masses attached.