Design and Development of a Real Time Mass Casualty Accountability System

Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) Engineering, 2006-07

Liaison(s): Bill Wiesmann, L. Alex Pranger ’92/93
Advisor(s): Robert Schaffer
Students(s): Sheri Markwardt (TL), Nick Evans, Phil Amberg (S), Charlie Clapper (S), Alan Kraut (S), Andrew Danowitz (F), Zane Montgomery (F), Nate Lyons-Smith (F)

The Hurricane Katrina disaster has led to an increased demand for evacuated patient care due to the inadequate disaster relief provided in the shelters. Poor health monitoring and the inability to locate many people in the Astrodome and Superdome were some of the relief effort’s shortcomings. The goal of the project was to design a portable non-invasive system to monitor the heart rate, body temperature, and location of a person within a given area, and wirelessly transmit the data to a centralized data processing unit for use in mass casualty situations.