Design & Production of a Self- Optimizing, Closed-Loop Ventilator System

Center for Intergration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) Engineering, 2005-06

Liaison(s): William Wiesmann, L. Alex Pranger ’92/93
Advisor(s): Elizabeth Orwin ’95
Students(s): Stephanie Bohnert (TL), Jessica Riley (TL), Julien Bost (F), Nicholas Evans (S) Jamie Shoffeitt (S), Brandon Smith (S), Badier Velji

The Center for Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technology (CIMIT) is funding the development of a self-optimizing, closed-loop medical ventilator system. The Clinic team has designed, manufactured, and tested a digitally controlled system for this purpose. This system will be applied to variety of military and civilian purposes including use with pre-hospital trauma, contaminated environments, contagious patients, and mass casualty disaster relief.