Creating a Safe and Secure Methanol Fuel Cell Cartridge

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation (DMFCC) Engineering, 2005-06

Liaison(s): Dr. Huyen Dinh, Manel Arranz
Advisor(s): Clive Dym, Joe King
Students(s): Kenny Maples (TL), Michael Bigelow, Laurel Fullerton, Michael Saldana (S), Yosuke Sato (F), Wayne Tanaka

Our project task was to design, build and prototype a safe and easy to manufacture fuel cell that supplies fuel in any orientation. The cartridge must be compatible with many types of fuel cells. The team also developed a child safety device for a cartridge developed by DMFCC and created a proof of concept for an authentication system that prevents the use of dangerous pirated cartridges.