Vibration Damping for Satellite Momentum Wheel Assemblies

Space Systems/Loral Engineering, 2005-06

Liaison(s): K.C. Jiang, John Kesapradist
Advisor(s): Ziyad Durón ’81
Students(s): Rami Y. Hindiyeh (TL), Ruben Betancourt, Ryan Ellis (F), Joshua Hwung, Jakob Spjut (F), Todd Taniguchi (S)

Momentum wheels are an efficient means to re-orient a satellite in orbit without using thrusters, which consume fuel from the satellite’s limited supply. In order to have a significant influence on a satellite’s orientation, however, a momentum wheel must be spun at very high RPM, often creating vibrations that have an adverse effect upon a satellite’s pointing accuracy. With this in mind, the SS/Loral Clinic team has employed numerical and empirical methods to characterize the composite assembly used to mount momentum wheels to SS/Loral satellites and explore damping techniques for this assembly.