Evaluation of Novel Drug Delivery Containers

Amgen, Inc. KGI/Engineering, 2005-06

Liaison(s): Robert Platz, Bruce Ming-da Eu
Advisor(s): Anthony Bright, Deb Chakravarti (KGI), Robert Doebler (KGI)
Students(s): Stanley Lee: (KGI-TL), Adam Gross: (KGI-S), Fiela Gutierrez (S), Oliver Hou, Justin Kim (S), Gina Ricci (KGI), Michael Wrenholt (KGI), Paul Yen (F)

Amgen, Inc. is interested in evaluating the use of novel technologies in plastic containers for commercial and late-stage products. The 2005/06 Clinic team will identify strategies to improve drug stability in these containers and provide recommendations based on acceptable characteristics. The team will also perform market research on the production process and prepare a cost analysis for business justification.