Optical Characterization of Coated Soot Aerosols or Flames and Lasers

Sandia National Laboratories Physics, 2004-05

Liaison(s): Hope Michelsen, Andrew McIlroy ’85
Advisor(s): Peter Saeta
Students(s): Patrick Hopper (PM), Brendan Haberle, Matt Johnson, Julie Wortman, Mark Dansson, Tavi Semonin

The optical properties of coated soot aerosols produce the greatest uncertainty in climate change models. This project aims to measure the scattering and absorption of light by sub-micron sized soot particles similar to those produced in diesel exhaust. Total absorption and scattering cross sections of 635-nm laser light are measured using cavityring down and angle-resolved scattering techniques. Soot particles are created in situ by partially combusting ethylene and coated with a volatile organic compound.